Sultan has no powers to ask Nizar to quit
by NH Chan
According to the Perak constitution, the ruler has a personal discretion in the performance of two functions - the appointment of a menteri besar and the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of the legislative assembly.
On Feb 4, Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin, the mentri besar, was granted an audience by the sultan to request for the ruler’s consent to dissolve the Perak State Assembly.
The next day, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak also requested for an audience with the sultan as the Perak BN chief and consent was granted for him to present himself before the ruler.
This is the account given in the Star, Feb 6:
“The four-page statement, signed by the sultan’s private secretary, Col Abdul Rahim Mohamad Nor, was issued at 2.15pm, Feb 5.
“It said Mohd Nizar had an audience with the sultan yesterday to seek the ruler’s consent to dissolve the state assembly. Earlier in the day, Najib, who is Perak Barisan chairman, had an audience with the sultan twice.
“At the audience in the morning, he informed the ruler that BN and its supporters now had the majority in the state assembly. The statement said the sultan had summoned all the 31 assemblymen before him to verify the information.
“‘His Royal Highness had used his discretion under Article XWI (2)(b) of the Perak Darul Ridzuan State Constitution and did not consent to the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly,’ the statement added.”
Bernama later reported that Mohd Nizar was summoned to an audience to be informed of the sultan’s decision not to dissolve the state government.
Now what is wrong with that?
It is wrong because the sultan saw Najib without Mohd Nizar being present. Let me explain why it is improper for him to do that.
A fatal error
As a former Lord President, who was then the highest judge in the country, the sultan should know that it is improper to see an interested party alone without the other side being present before announcing his decision.
It was only after the ruler had seen Najib that he summoned Nizar to inform him that he had decided not to dissolve the legislative assembly.
That was his undoing. It was a fatal error. This is not a case of natural justice where both sides have a right to be heard. There was no hearing.
This was a request by a menteri besar to his sultan to dissolve the legislative assembly where, by the very fact of the application itself, he has admitted that he no longer commands the confidence of the majority in the assembly.
In other words, it is a request under Article XVI, Clause (6) of the Perak constitution. To such a request, the ruler has a personal discretion not to grant it under Article XVIII, Clause (2) (b).
The personal discretion to grant or not to grant must be exercised without any suggestion or suspicion to any reasonable outsider that he was partial to one political party or coalition of parties.
In other words, it is about the appearance of impartiality - justice should not only be done, but should be seen to be done.
And in the present context, what is the right thing to do?
Every judge, unless he is a bad judge, knows that the right thing to do is to apply the oft-repeated saying of Lord Chief Justice Hewart in R v. Sussex Justices, ex parte McCarthy: “It is not merely of some importance, but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”.
As Lord Denning would have put it in Metropolitan Properties Co (FGC) Ltd v. Lannon [I9691 1 Q.B. 577: “The court will not inquire whether he did in fact, favour one side unfairly. Suffice in that reasonable people might think he did. The reason is plain enough. Justice must be rooted in confidence: and confidence is destroyed when right-minded people go away thinking: ‘The judge was biased’.”
When perception matters most
Now we know why the people of Perak and elsewhere in Malaysia, are making harsh statements about the sultan. A quick search on the Internet will prove this.
It is the perception of the people that matters; and the confidence of the people is destroyed when they go away thinking that he was biased - that he had been influenced by Najib.
It is very sad that Sultan Azlan Shah, who had been held in high esteem internationally and by the populace, has, in a careless moment, lost all that.
His reputation for fairness and justice has been shattered when they go away thinking that he had been influenced by Najib or that he has favoured BN. It does not matter whether he did, in fact, favour one side unfairly.
Suffice it that reasonable people might think that he did. The die is cast and we cannot put the clock back. Hereafter, there may be many who will no longer believe in his speeches on good governance and the integrity of the judiciary.
The impression is that he does not practise what he preaches.
When the menteri besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the legislative assembly, he has two choices.
First, he may request the ruler to dissolve the assembly for the purpose of a state election. Second, if his request is turned down by the ruler, “he shall tender the resignation of the executive council”.
This is provided in Article XVI, Clause (6) which reads: “(6) if the Menteri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council.”
What Article XVI, Clause (6) says is this: If the menteri besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the legislative assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the executive council, unless the ruler has, at the request of the menteri besar, dissolved the legislative assembly.
However, in the present case, Mohd Nizar on Feb 4, had requested the ruler to dissolve the legislative assembly, and the ruler informed him on Feb 5 that he acted in his discretion to withhold his consent for the dissolution of the assembly.
That being the case, the menteri besar has no other choice but to tender the resignation of the executive council.
Cannot declare MB post vacant
Under Article XWI, Clause (2), paragraph (b), the ruler has a personal discretion to withhold his consent to the menteri besar’s request for the dissolution of the legislative assembly.
Unfortunately, the ruler, in the present case, has acted unconstitutionally when he side stepped the constitutional provisions of Article XVI, Clause (6) of the laws of the Perak constitution.
This was what he did.
The Sultan of Perak’s media statement said: “Mohd Nizar was summoned to an audience with the sultan to be informed of the ruler’s decision not to dissolve the State Assembly, and in accordance with the provisions of Article XVI (6) of the Perak Darul Ridzuan State Constitution, the Sultan of Perak ordered Mohd Nizar to resign from his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council with immediate effect.
“If Mohd Nizar does not resign from his post as Perak menteri besar together with the state executive council members, then the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are regarded as vacant.”
As we know the sultan is a constitutional monarch who has no power to rule except a couple of discretionary powers mentioned in Article XVIII, Clause (2).
So, apart from the couple of matters mentioned in Article XVIII, Clause (2), the Sultan of Perak has no power to order Mohd Nizar to resign from his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council with immediate effect.
Nor has he the power to declare that the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are regarded as vacant.
In the present case, the menteri besar had acted under Article XVI, Clause (6) which permitted him to request the ruler to dissolve the legislative assembly if he ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the legislative assembly.
In this case, the ruler turned down his request. Then the menteri besar has no choice but “to tender the resignation of the executive council”.
So, why did the ruler, in the present case, depart from the provisions of Article XVI, Clause (6)?
Under the provisions of Clause (6), the sultan knew that the ball was in the menteri besar’s court and it was to be the menteri besar who “should tender the resignation of the executive council”.
Yet he chose to ignore these provisions of the Perak constitution.
A pretended show of power
The ruler has defied the provisions of Article XVI, Clause (6) when he resorted to ordering the menteri besar to resign from his post when he has no power to do so.
The sultan knew, or he ought to have known, that under Article XWI, Clause (2) (a) the menteri besar is appointed by the sultan from the members of the legislative assembly “who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Assembly”.
This is what Article XVI, Clause (2) says: “(2) The Executive Council shall be appointed as follows, that is to say - (a) His Royal Highness shall first appoint as menteri besar to preside over the Executive Council a member of the Legislative Assembly who in his judgement is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Assembly.”
So that when the menteri besar ceased “to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the legislative assembly”, and this is borne out by his request to the ruler for dissolution of the assembly under Article XVI, Clause (6), the ruler has the power to appoint another “who in his judgement is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the assembly” under Article XVI, Clause (2) (a).
It is a personal discretion of the ruler to act on the appointment of a menteri besar. Since the ruler has the power to appoint another person as menteri besar in place of Mohd Nizar based on his judgement, there is, therefore, no need to order him to resign at all.
This is no more than a pretended show of power when, in fact, there is no such power.
And if the menteri besar delays the tender of the resignation of the executive council as required by Article XVI, Clause (6), there is Clause (7) which provides: “(7) Subject to Clause (6) a member of the Executive Council other than the menteri besar shall hold office at His Royal Highness’ pleasure, but any member of the Council may at any time resign his office.”
This means that the ruler can sack any member of the executive council or all of them at any time.
In his book, ‘What Next in the Law’, the late Lord Denning wrote: “King James II was a bad king. It was he who favoured the Roman Catholics and was bitterly opposed to the Protestants. It was he who dismissed the judges.
“It was he who sent Judge Jeffreys on that Bloody Assize. It was he who directed that the Seven Bishops should be prosecuted for seditious libel - when all they had done was to present a petition to the king himself. It was the acquittal of the Seven Bishops that forced the King to flee the realm.”
It was a young barrister called John Somers who drew up a Declaration of Rights. Although very junior at the Bar, he had made a short speech of five minutes which led to the acquittal of the Seven Bishops. Immediately after that trial, he was entrusted with the task of preparing a Declaration of Rights - to which the new King William assented.
This Declaration became the Bill of Rights 1689. It is not easy to lay your hand on any book which contains the full text of this great document. I will set out here a few of the principle clauses (for the present purpose I will only refer to clauses 1 and 2):
‘The Lords and Commons…
I … (as their ancestors in like case have usually done) for the vindicating and asserting their ancient rights and liberties, declare:
1. That the pretended power of suspending laws, or the execution of by regal authority, without consent of parliament, is illegal.
2. That the pretended power of dispensing with laws, or the execution of laws, by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal.
II … That William and Mary prince and princess of Orange be, and be declared, King and Queen of England…’
UK’s Bill of Rights
Macaulay, in his ‘History of England’ (Volume III) described the importance of the Bill of Rights in these words: “The Declaration of Right, though it made nothing law which had not been law before, contained the germ … of every good law which has been passed … of every good law which may hereafter, in the course of ages, be found necessary to promote the public weal, and to satisfy the demands of public opinion.”
If we are to have a new Bill of Rights, will it too be the germ of the law which, in the complexities of modern society, maintain the rights and freedoms of the individual against the all-powerful bodies that stride about the place?
I shall now return to the subject matter of this article.
I have borrowed the title of it from the second clause of the Declaration of Rights as drafted by the young barrister John Somers. Clause 2 reads:
“That the pretended power of dispensing with laws, or the execution of laws, by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal.”
The above quotation should serve as a fitting reminder that the laws of the land, more so the Perak constitution, should not be sidestepped by the ruler or, to quote from Lord Denning, by “the all-powerful bodies that stride about the place”.
If anyone thinks that he can dispense with the law for the execution of it, then this clause should remind them that the power to do so is only a pretended power. Article XVI, Clause (6) is what we are talking about here - the menteri besar should be allowed to tender the resignation of the Executive Council in due course of time without being hurried by regal authority exercising a pretended power.
The laws of the Perak constitution should be administered even-handedly and not unequally by giving the impression to the general public that preferential treatment was shown to some persons.
It is the appearance of impartiality that matters. It does not matter whether he did, in fact, favour one side unfairly. Suffice it that reasonable people might think that he did.
Substitute the phrase “by regal authority” for the phrase “by those in power” and we have an axiomatic rendering which applies to today’s modern society.
The executive branch of any government, be it federal, state or local, cannot ignore the people’s call for justice and fair play which throughout the ages have been “found necessary to promote the public weal, and to satisfy the demands of public opinion”.
The call of public opinion is a call to maintain “the rights and freedoms of the individual against the all-powerful bodies that stride about the place”. The executive branch of any government can ignore the voice of public opinion at its peril.
Unwillingness to heed the demands of public opinion can lose the mandate of the populace in the next election.
I think the writing is already on the wall. The demands of public opinion is a universal one. If the old order has been found wanting, it must give way to the new.
NH CHAN, who is former Court of Appeal judge, lives in Ipoh.
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前線報導 updated:February 20, 2009 01:38
The China Press reports
(吉隆坡20日凌晨訊) “黃潔冰被偷拍案件”;有一人落網!
The China Press reports
(吉隆坡20日凌晨訊) “黃潔冰被偷拍案件”;有一人落網!
china press,
Elizabeth Wong
Elizabeth Wong goes abroad to rest
Published: Thursday February 19, 2009 MYT 4:33:00 PM
Elizabeth Wong goes abroad to rest
The Star reports:
PETALING JAYA: Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, who described the furore over her scandalous photographs as the ‘darkest episode’ in her life, has gone overseas.
In a press statement on Wednesday, Wong said she had never felt so alone, vulnerable and humiliated since the scandal broke out.
“Despite having tendered my resignation from all posts, the media and websites continue to intrude into my private life and privacy.
“I have been informed by several media that they will continue to publish even more lewd graphical, sensational stories of my private life.
“I have also been told there will be a fresh assault, with more photographs and videos released and circulated in order to completely degrade and bury me,” she said in an e-mail on Thursday.
She stated that public discussions should not be focused on her but on more important issues such as the coming serious economic recession that would be faced by the nation.
“Unemployment is rising, while corruption remains rampant. I wish public discussions would concentrate on these important issues rather than analysing my private life. My principles remains the same.
“I will not answer any question pertaining to my private life. My private life is not for public scrutiny as I have not broken any law or caused harm to anyone,” she said.
Wong said she had left the country as she needed to rest and to search for peace of mind and to get away from “the stormy events” surrounding her.
“I plead to the media as well as my supporters to allow me some peace of mind, and to give me space. I urge the media to leave my family, friends and I alone.
“Please do not continue to shame my family and I, so that we have a chance to lead a normal life as ordinary citizens,” she said.
Wong said she had informed her party leaders that she is determined to relinquish all her positions, as a state exco member and as well as Bukit Lanjan state assemblyman.
“My commitment to the ideals of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat remains unwavering. I shall retain my party membership and continue to struggle for a just society with the party,” she said.
Wong also thanked her voters, women in particular, and party comrades for their overwhelming support and ‘gentle kindness’.
“There is nothing in this world that can repay your kindness,” she said
Elizabeth Wong goes abroad to rest
The Star reports:
PETALING JAYA: Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, who described the furore over her scandalous photographs as the ‘darkest episode’ in her life, has gone overseas.
In a press statement on Wednesday, Wong said she had never felt so alone, vulnerable and humiliated since the scandal broke out.
“Despite having tendered my resignation from all posts, the media and websites continue to intrude into my private life and privacy.
“I have been informed by several media that they will continue to publish even more lewd graphical, sensational stories of my private life.
“I have also been told there will be a fresh assault, with more photographs and videos released and circulated in order to completely degrade and bury me,” she said in an e-mail on Thursday.
She stated that public discussions should not be focused on her but on more important issues such as the coming serious economic recession that would be faced by the nation.
“Unemployment is rising, while corruption remains rampant. I wish public discussions would concentrate on these important issues rather than analysing my private life. My principles remains the same.
“I will not answer any question pertaining to my private life. My private life is not for public scrutiny as I have not broken any law or caused harm to anyone,” she said.
Wong said she had left the country as she needed to rest and to search for peace of mind and to get away from “the stormy events” surrounding her.
“I plead to the media as well as my supporters to allow me some peace of mind, and to give me space. I urge the media to leave my family, friends and I alone.
“Please do not continue to shame my family and I, so that we have a chance to lead a normal life as ordinary citizens,” she said.
Wong said she had informed her party leaders that she is determined to relinquish all her positions, as a state exco member and as well as Bukit Lanjan state assemblyman.
“My commitment to the ideals of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat remains unwavering. I shall retain my party membership and continue to struggle for a just society with the party,” she said.
Wong also thanked her voters, women in particular, and party comrades for their overwhelming support and ‘gentle kindness’.
“There is nothing in this world that can repay your kindness,” she said
Elizabeth Wong,
The Star
Elizabeth Wong and Our Hope for a New Politics in Malaysia--Farish A. Noor
Elizabeth Wong and Our Hope for a New Politics in Malaysia
By Farish A. Noor
As someone who has known Ms Elizabeth Wong, former ADUN and Exco member of the Selangor state government, for almost ten years, I am profoundly distressed by the treatment that has been meted out to her by the mainstream and tabloid press over the revelation of photos that have compromised her. There are no words adequate enough to describe my feelings of disgust and anger over how this capable and committed activist-politician has been slandered and abused recently.
The facts surrounding the case are well known by now and one need not dwell upon them here. Suffice to say that one of the brightest, capable and efficient politicians of our land has been discredited via a malicious campaign to tarnish her reputation, that reeks of hypocrisy and conspiracy of the highest order.
What needs to be emphasised in the midst of this media hullabaloo is this: That the private lives of politicians are as sacrosanct as the right of any other citizen, and that politicians deserve the same degree of respect as anyone else. This is what we are fighting for; and this is what the elections of March 2008 were all about: Our earnest wish to see a new kind of politics in Malaysia, a new politics that would reflect and mirror the new Malaysian society that we live in today.
The ascendancy of Ms Wong and a host of other younger politicians who were elected to office last March signalled – in the clearest terms – the desire for change and reform. Malaysians of all creeds, races and gender have demonstrated that we are sick and tired of the old mode of neo-feudal communitarian politics which has hitherto been propped up by nothing more than an assembly of tired and outdated clichés. We yearn for a new Malaysia that is colour-blind, anti-racist, anti-sexist, democratic, tolerant and plural. We yearn for a new generation of professional politicians who can do their job well in the spirit of accountability and transparency. We yearn, in short, for a new political culture altogether.
Ms. Wong’s election to office demonstrated that a significant section of her constituents had faith in her abilities to translate those ideals into reality and political praxis. They voted her into power because they believed that this was a woman who would stand by the rights of all her constituents; who would further a politics of inclusivity and non-communitarianism, and that she would also foreground the needs and concerns of women as well. The proof of this is evident to all who have followed her career that has now been tragically cut short: as an advocate for gender equality, her presence in the state assembly of Selangor has ensured that the sexist culture that was so prevalent in the past ceased to continue. During the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide tragedy she was one of the few politicians who was seen present at the ground-level doing relief work while some other politicians merely procrastinated and pontificated while doing nothing.
The unfortunate turn of events that has led to her resignation has therefore robbed us – the Malaysian public – of one of the few capable elected representatives that we could count on; and the loss is that of the Malaysian public’s as much as it is hers.
Today as Malaysia heads into a recession under the febrile leadership of old politicians who remain in a state of denial, we are in need of a younger generation of elected representatives whose political orientation and political culture are different: Elizabeth did not lead, she represented. And she gave a voice to the voiceless who clamoured for attention on her behalf. Her passing out of political life – which I personally hope will be temporary – has been a blow to our common struggle for a better, newer Malaysia. It is my earnest wish that despite the setbacks she has suffered, Elizabeth Wong will continue in the struggle for a better and newer Malaysia in whatever capacity that she can.
This struggle for a new Malaysia and a new Malaysian politics is our common struggle, the struggle of the new generation of Malaysians today. One of us among our ranks has been attacked and fallen. We owe it to her as a friend and comrade to support her now, and to remain focused on the pressing need to reform the old order of our authoritarian, racist, communitarian past and its attendant institutions.
By Farish A. Noor
As someone who has known Ms Elizabeth Wong, former ADUN and Exco member of the Selangor state government, for almost ten years, I am profoundly distressed by the treatment that has been meted out to her by the mainstream and tabloid press over the revelation of photos that have compromised her. There are no words adequate enough to describe my feelings of disgust and anger over how this capable and committed activist-politician has been slandered and abused recently.
The facts surrounding the case are well known by now and one need not dwell upon them here. Suffice to say that one of the brightest, capable and efficient politicians of our land has been discredited via a malicious campaign to tarnish her reputation, that reeks of hypocrisy and conspiracy of the highest order.
What needs to be emphasised in the midst of this media hullabaloo is this: That the private lives of politicians are as sacrosanct as the right of any other citizen, and that politicians deserve the same degree of respect as anyone else. This is what we are fighting for; and this is what the elections of March 2008 were all about: Our earnest wish to see a new kind of politics in Malaysia, a new politics that would reflect and mirror the new Malaysian society that we live in today.
The ascendancy of Ms Wong and a host of other younger politicians who were elected to office last March signalled – in the clearest terms – the desire for change and reform. Malaysians of all creeds, races and gender have demonstrated that we are sick and tired of the old mode of neo-feudal communitarian politics which has hitherto been propped up by nothing more than an assembly of tired and outdated clichés. We yearn for a new Malaysia that is colour-blind, anti-racist, anti-sexist, democratic, tolerant and plural. We yearn for a new generation of professional politicians who can do their job well in the spirit of accountability and transparency. We yearn, in short, for a new political culture altogether.
Ms. Wong’s election to office demonstrated that a significant section of her constituents had faith in her abilities to translate those ideals into reality and political praxis. They voted her into power because they believed that this was a woman who would stand by the rights of all her constituents; who would further a politics of inclusivity and non-communitarianism, and that she would also foreground the needs and concerns of women as well. The proof of this is evident to all who have followed her career that has now been tragically cut short: as an advocate for gender equality, her presence in the state assembly of Selangor has ensured that the sexist culture that was so prevalent in the past ceased to continue. During the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide tragedy she was one of the few politicians who was seen present at the ground-level doing relief work while some other politicians merely procrastinated and pontificated while doing nothing.
The unfortunate turn of events that has led to her resignation has therefore robbed us – the Malaysian public – of one of the few capable elected representatives that we could count on; and the loss is that of the Malaysian public’s as much as it is hers.
Today as Malaysia heads into a recession under the febrile leadership of old politicians who remain in a state of denial, we are in need of a younger generation of elected representatives whose political orientation and political culture are different: Elizabeth did not lead, she represented. And she gave a voice to the voiceless who clamoured for attention on her behalf. Her passing out of political life – which I personally hope will be temporary – has been a blow to our common struggle for a better, newer Malaysia. It is my earnest wish that despite the setbacks she has suffered, Elizabeth Wong will continue in the struggle for a better and newer Malaysia in whatever capacity that she can.
This struggle for a new Malaysia and a new Malaysian politics is our common struggle, the struggle of the new generation of Malaysians today. One of us among our ranks has been attacked and fallen. We owe it to her as a friend and comrade to support her now, and to remain focused on the pressing need to reform the old order of our authoritarian, racist, communitarian past and its attendant institutions.
Elizabeth Wong,
Lim Kit Siang
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge offers to recuse himself
The Star reports:
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge offers to recuse himself (Updated)
KUALA LUMPUR: In an unexpected twist High Court Judicial Commissioner Mohamad Arif Md Yusof offered to recuse himself from hearing the lawsuit filed by former Perak mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin against his successor Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
The suit was filed after the Pakatan Rakyat government lost the state to Barisan Nasional with the resignation of three assemblymen from their parties, and the defection of a fourth.
Nizar wants the court, by way of judicial review, to declare him the legitimate mentri besar and for an injunction to stop Dr Zambry or his agents from carrying out the duties and functions of the mentri besar.
At the onset of the proceedings Wednesday, Mohamad Arif said he has been a legal advisor and counsel for PAS on a number of election petition cases. Nizar is a member of PAS, which together with PKR and DAP, makes up the Pakatan alliance.
“I have also been involved in PAS legal matters from time to time, and have advised PKR on legal issues,” Mohamad Arif said.
“I have also acted for Barisan in an election petition in Sarawak,” he added.
“I tend to think that to preserve justice and the integrity of the institution, perhaps I should recuse myself from hearing this matter,” he said.
He set Feb 23 for counsel from both sides to brief him on whether they had any objection to him hearing the matter, as well as on two other issues:
First, whether the matter should be referred to the Federal Court over the question of law for determination and finality, over intepretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution.
Second, on the standing of Perak’s state legal advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid acting as counsel for the respondent since Dr Zambry is being sued in his personal capacity.
The five-page suit, filed last Friday, also asks for “punitive, aggravated and exemplary” damages to be awarded to Nizar.
Earlier, Mohamad Arif said that he allowed for the matter to be called in the open court because 14 lawyers turned up for the case and that he wanted all to know his position.
Besides, he said, the parties may want to refer the matter to the Federal Court over question of law on the interpretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution for finality.
(Article 16 (6) states that if the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolve the legislative assembly he shall tender the resignation of executive council).
On hearing this, Perak Legal Advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid, who appeared for Zambry, said he had received instructions to apply for his recusal from hearing the case.
However, lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah, who represented Nizar with seven lawyers, argued that the JC was capable of hearing the case without any danger of bias.
Among others, he said, the JC could recuse himself if he had a personal relationship with any of the parties, or applied for land in Perak through them and had briefed the two on the legal steps before they held Mentri Besar post.
“You have appeared for PKR, PAS for the election petition and for Barisan in Sarawak, it is in your capacity as an advocate and soliticor. That is your area of practice and you have no choice not to accept it,” he said.
The JC then said that he was no longer involved in any political party and that he was more concerned about the public perception.
Sulaiman then argued that it was the judge’s inherent function to educate and inform on the law and public issues.
In submitting his points further, Sulaiman said the judge would be failing in carrying out his judicial duty and interest of justice if he was considering the “wrong perception of public”.
At the outset, Sulaiman objected to Ahmad Kamal representing the respondent saying that it was a conflict of interest.
Ahmad Kamal said he had a right to represent the respondent and that the application by the counsel was premature. He said he had yet to receive an affidavit to support of the application.
He also applied to the JC to transfer the case back to Ipoh High Court.
“It is because both parties are staying in Ipoh and involved in the state government of Perak and the people of Perak. Therefore, the proper forum is to be tried at Ipoh High Court,” he said.
Sulaiman argued that Ahmad Kamal should also be disqualified from appearing for Zambry because of “all party sentiments”.
“It should be (tried) in neutral territory and in specialised court,” he said. The case is filed at High Court (Appellate and Special Powers division).
Sulaiman said there was no question of witnesses involved in the case and that all would be in the form of affidavits as it was a pure question of law to be decided.
SFC See Mee Chun, who appeared for Attorney-General Chambers, said she had to seek instructions over the matter.
Justice Mohamad Ariff asked the parties to file proper applications and set Monday for mention over the issues of the recusal, referring the matter to apex court and the acting of the Perak Legal Advisor as counsel for the respondent since Zambry was being sued in his personal capacity
Nizar vs Zambry: Judge offers to recuse himself (Updated)
KUALA LUMPUR: In an unexpected twist High Court Judicial Commissioner Mohamad Arif Md Yusof offered to recuse himself from hearing the lawsuit filed by former Perak mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin against his successor Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
The suit was filed after the Pakatan Rakyat government lost the state to Barisan Nasional with the resignation of three assemblymen from their parties, and the defection of a fourth.
Nizar wants the court, by way of judicial review, to declare him the legitimate mentri besar and for an injunction to stop Dr Zambry or his agents from carrying out the duties and functions of the mentri besar.
At the onset of the proceedings Wednesday, Mohamad Arif said he has been a legal advisor and counsel for PAS on a number of election petition cases. Nizar is a member of PAS, which together with PKR and DAP, makes up the Pakatan alliance.
“I have also been involved in PAS legal matters from time to time, and have advised PKR on legal issues,” Mohamad Arif said.
“I have also acted for Barisan in an election petition in Sarawak,” he added.
“I tend to think that to preserve justice and the integrity of the institution, perhaps I should recuse myself from hearing this matter,” he said.
He set Feb 23 for counsel from both sides to brief him on whether they had any objection to him hearing the matter, as well as on two other issues:
First, whether the matter should be referred to the Federal Court over the question of law for determination and finality, over intepretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution.
Second, on the standing of Perak’s state legal advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid acting as counsel for the respondent since Dr Zambry is being sued in his personal capacity.
The five-page suit, filed last Friday, also asks for “punitive, aggravated and exemplary” damages to be awarded to Nizar.
Earlier, Mohamad Arif said that he allowed for the matter to be called in the open court because 14 lawyers turned up for the case and that he wanted all to know his position.
Besides, he said, the parties may want to refer the matter to the Federal Court over question of law on the interpretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution for finality.
(Article 16 (6) states that if the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolve the legislative assembly he shall tender the resignation of executive council).
On hearing this, Perak Legal Advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid, who appeared for Zambry, said he had received instructions to apply for his recusal from hearing the case.
However, lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah, who represented Nizar with seven lawyers, argued that the JC was capable of hearing the case without any danger of bias.
Among others, he said, the JC could recuse himself if he had a personal relationship with any of the parties, or applied for land in Perak through them and had briefed the two on the legal steps before they held Mentri Besar post.
“You have appeared for PKR, PAS for the election petition and for Barisan in Sarawak, it is in your capacity as an advocate and soliticor. That is your area of practice and you have no choice not to accept it,” he said.
The JC then said that he was no longer involved in any political party and that he was more concerned about the public perception.
Sulaiman then argued that it was the judge’s inherent function to educate and inform on the law and public issues.
In submitting his points further, Sulaiman said the judge would be failing in carrying out his judicial duty and interest of justice if he was considering the “wrong perception of public”.
At the outset, Sulaiman objected to Ahmad Kamal representing the respondent saying that it was a conflict of interest.
Ahmad Kamal said he had a right to represent the respondent and that the application by the counsel was premature. He said he had yet to receive an affidavit to support of the application.
He also applied to the JC to transfer the case back to Ipoh High Court.
“It is because both parties are staying in Ipoh and involved in the state government of Perak and the people of Perak. Therefore, the proper forum is to be tried at Ipoh High Court,” he said.
Sulaiman argued that Ahmad Kamal should also be disqualified from appearing for Zambry because of “all party sentiments”.
“It should be (tried) in neutral territory and in specialised court,” he said. The case is filed at High Court (Appellate and Special Powers division).
Sulaiman said there was no question of witnesses involved in the case and that all would be in the form of affidavits as it was a pure question of law to be decided.
SFC See Mee Chun, who appeared for Attorney-General Chambers, said she had to seek instructions over the matter.
Justice Mohamad Ariff asked the parties to file proper applications and set Monday for mention over the issues of the recusal, referring the matter to apex court and the acting of the Perak Legal Advisor as counsel for the respondent since Zambry was being sued in his personal capacity
Nizar vs Zambry
Comment in Sin Chew評論:為甚麼是黃潔冰
* 評論
2009-02-17 21:16
Blogger: You should not compared TWINS的阿嬌 with Elizabeth Wong because 阿嬌gave consent to Edison Chen to take those pictures and video whereas Elizabeth Wong did not give consent. She was sleeping. She was not even aware of the incident when it happened.
* 評論
2009-02-17 21:16
Blogger: You should not compared TWINS的阿嬌 with Elizabeth Wong because 阿嬌gave consent to Edison Chen to take those pictures and video whereas Elizabeth Wong did not give consent. She was sleeping. She was not even aware of the incident when it happened.
Edison Chen,
Elizabeth Wong,
nude pictures
Elizabeth Wong quits, waiting for official announcement
The updated version from The Star:
Published: Tuesday February 17, 2009 MYT 11:40:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday February 17, 2009 MYT 2:43:01 PM
Elizabeth Wong quits, waiting for official announcement (Update 4)
Wong ... "I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person."
PETALING JAYA: Selangor executive council member and Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, whose nude photographs were being circulated, has quit both positions, paving the way for a third by-election within the next two months.
She said she will discuss with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to arrange for the proper handover of her responsibilities.
Her resignation would be subject to Khalid's approval. The party is expected to accept her resignation.
PKR adviser and de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to call a press conference on the issue Tuesday afternoon.
Khalid confirmed that he had received Wong’s resignation letter and said he would get the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah’s views on Wong’s decision to quit all posts.
“I shall be seeking an audience with his His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor to brief him on the issue and seek his guidance,” he said, adding that he has asked Wong to take leave and “have a deserved rest.”
“This turn of events is unfortunate as ... Wong has been an exemplary exco member,” Khalid said in a statement.
“It is most unfortunate that certain elements have resorted to such despicable acts to smear her (Wong’s) name and integrity.
“I am sure Malaysians and the people of Selangor will reject the use of such shameful tactics and join me in condemning the people responsible,” he added.
Meanwhile, Wong said that she would continue to serve the people and "fight for justice for Malaysia.”
She said that although the smear campaign directed against her has caused a lot of anguish, she is aware that the real objective is to discredit PKR.
“I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person," Wong said at a press conference outside the PKR headquarters here Tuesday morning.
Also present were PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah and her fellow exco members Teresa Kok and Xavier Jeyakumar.
“I have broken no law; I stand by the fundamenal principles of a democracy that everyone has a right to privacy,” Wong said, breaking down in tears.
She said that she believed that the attacks would continue in greater intensity and PKR’s political rivals would continue to “manipulate the situation.”
“Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people,” Wong said.
Many supporters who had gathered called for her to withdraw her offer to resign.
Wong was also the state exco member in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment, and the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
The Election Commission has fixed April 7 for by-elections in the Buki
Published: Tuesday February 17, 2009 MYT 11:40:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday February 17, 2009 MYT 2:43:01 PM
Elizabeth Wong quits, waiting for official announcement (Update 4)
Wong ... "I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person."
PETALING JAYA: Selangor executive council member and Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, whose nude photographs were being circulated, has quit both positions, paving the way for a third by-election within the next two months.
She said she will discuss with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to arrange for the proper handover of her responsibilities.
Her resignation would be subject to Khalid's approval. The party is expected to accept her resignation.
PKR adviser and de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to call a press conference on the issue Tuesday afternoon.
Khalid confirmed that he had received Wong’s resignation letter and said he would get the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah’s views on Wong’s decision to quit all posts.
“I shall be seeking an audience with his His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor to brief him on the issue and seek his guidance,” he said, adding that he has asked Wong to take leave and “have a deserved rest.”
“This turn of events is unfortunate as ... Wong has been an exemplary exco member,” Khalid said in a statement.
“It is most unfortunate that certain elements have resorted to such despicable acts to smear her (Wong’s) name and integrity.
“I am sure Malaysians and the people of Selangor will reject the use of such shameful tactics and join me in condemning the people responsible,” he added.
Meanwhile, Wong said that she would continue to serve the people and "fight for justice for Malaysia.”
She said that although the smear campaign directed against her has caused a lot of anguish, she is aware that the real objective is to discredit PKR.
“I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person," Wong said at a press conference outside the PKR headquarters here Tuesday morning.
Also present were PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah and her fellow exco members Teresa Kok and Xavier Jeyakumar.
“I have broken no law; I stand by the fundamenal principles of a democracy that everyone has a right to privacy,” Wong said, breaking down in tears.
She said that she believed that the attacks would continue in greater intensity and PKR’s political rivals would continue to “manipulate the situation.”
“Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people,” Wong said.
Many supporters who had gathered called for her to withdraw her offer to resign.
Wong was also the state exco member in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment, and the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
The Election Commission has fixed April 7 for by-elections in the Buki
Press Release by Elizabeth Wong
PRESS RELEASE By Elizabeth Wong
17 Feb 2009
The events of the past two days have shown an insidious and underhanded attempt by certain quarters to smear my reputation. My personal life and privacy have been violated.
These people have conspired to undermine my credibility both as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as a Keadilan leader. Although the smear campaign directed towards me has caused me a lot of anguish, I am aware that the real objective is to discredit Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
I have done nothing wrong.
I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person. I have broken no law. I stand by the fundamental principle in a democracy that everyone has a right to privacy.
Parti KeADILan Rakyat stands for ‘new’ politics that holds justice and human rights as core values which transcend gender, ethnicity and class. ‘New’ politics also means we rise above gutter politics.
It is precisely this that I believe that these attacks will continue with greater intensity, and I have no doubt that Umno and Barisan Nasional will continue to manipulate the situation. Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand, in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people.
I have received overwhelming support from my family, my constituents, Pakatan Rakyat colleagues, friends and the general public. However, in the interest of my party, I have decided to offer my resignation as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as the State Assemblywoman for Bukit Lanjan.
I will discuss with the Menteri Besar to arrange for the proper handover of my responsibilities. I will continue to serve the people and fight for justice in Malaysia.
Last but not least, I am very grateful to the people who have placed their trust in me and my party, and I thank them for the opportunity that they have given me to serve. Words cannot possibly express my eternal gratitude to outstanding staff members and fellow ADUNs, and most of all, my Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim who has given me his unwavering support and the opportunity to work with him.
If I have let anyone down or offended anyone, I offer my sincere apologies.
17 Feb 2009
The events of the past two days have shown an insidious and underhanded attempt by certain quarters to smear my reputation. My personal life and privacy have been violated.
These people have conspired to undermine my credibility both as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as a Keadilan leader. Although the smear campaign directed towards me has caused me a lot of anguish, I am aware that the real objective is to discredit Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
I have done nothing wrong.
I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person. I have broken no law. I stand by the fundamental principle in a democracy that everyone has a right to privacy.
Parti KeADILan Rakyat stands for ‘new’ politics that holds justice and human rights as core values which transcend gender, ethnicity and class. ‘New’ politics also means we rise above gutter politics.
It is precisely this that I believe that these attacks will continue with greater intensity, and I have no doubt that Umno and Barisan Nasional will continue to manipulate the situation. Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand, in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people.
I have received overwhelming support from my family, my constituents, Pakatan Rakyat colleagues, friends and the general public. However, in the interest of my party, I have decided to offer my resignation as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as the State Assemblywoman for Bukit Lanjan.
I will discuss with the Menteri Besar to arrange for the proper handover of my responsibilities. I will continue to serve the people and fight for justice in Malaysia.
Last but not least, I am very grateful to the people who have placed their trust in me and my party, and I thank them for the opportunity that they have given me to serve. Words cannot possibly express my eternal gratitude to outstanding staff members and fellow ADUNs, and most of all, my Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim who has given me his unwavering support and the opportunity to work with him.
If I have let anyone down or offended anyone, I offer my sincere apologies.
Elizabeth Wong,
在部落格貼文 黃潔冰感謝關心
Elizabeth Wong,
semi nude
Elizabeth Wong semi-nude pictures are being circulating online
Elizabeth Wong's semi-nude pictures are being circulating online. But the quality are bad and you still wanted to see them because you are curious, right? check it out. I realize now the power of internet. Where is it? There is only one place you can go. The website that Edison Chen hated it very much.
The story:
Malaysian politics is fun, see the leaked photos below. Controversial semi-nude photographs of Selangor Executive Councilor Elizabeth Wong are being circulated on the Internet and now they are on the Gutter. The Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman has lodged a police report over nude pictures and videos of her that have been circulating via the Internet and MMS.
Ms. Elizabeth Wong also released a statement saying that the photos and video were leaked to smear her public image. It is also rumored that the pictures may have been taken and circulated by an anger ex-boyfriend. The compromising pictures showed Ms. Wong partial nude and one even show her exposing her...... parts.
Copies of the nude pictures were sent to a number of Malaysian newspapers last week. The pictures were supposedly photographed by a former boyfriend without consent while she was sleeping. Today a contributor sent these three pictures said to be among the pictures sent to Malaysian newspapers.



The story:
Malaysian politics is fun, see the leaked photos below. Controversial semi-nude photographs of Selangor Executive Councilor Elizabeth Wong are being circulated on the Internet and now they are on the Gutter. The Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman has lodged a police report over nude pictures and videos of her that have been circulating via the Internet and MMS.
Ms. Elizabeth Wong also released a statement saying that the photos and video were leaked to smear her public image. It is also rumored that the pictures may have been taken and circulated by an anger ex-boyfriend. The compromising pictures showed Ms. Wong partial nude and one even show her exposing her...... parts.
Copies of the nude pictures were sent to a number of Malaysian newspapers last week. The pictures were supposedly photographed by a former boyfriend without consent while she was sleeping. Today a contributor sent these three pictures said to be among the pictures sent to Malaysian newspapers.




Edison Chen,
Elizabeth Wong,
malaysian news,
sex scandal
Elizabeth Wong has offered to resign
According to the Star SMS news:Elizabeth Wong has offered to resign her posts as exco member and Bkt Lanjan representative. PKR's meeting is still on-going.
The Star has come out with updated version of the news about Elizabeth Wong as follows:
PETALING JAYA: Selangor executive council member and Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, whose nude photographs were being circulated, has offered to quit both positions, possibly paving the way for a third by-election within the next two months.
She said she will discuss with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to arrange for the proper handover of her responsibilities.
“I will continue to serve the people and fight for justice for Malaysia,” she said at a press conference outside the PKR headquarters here Tuesday morning.
She said that although the smear campaign directed against her has caused a lot of anguish, she is aware that the real objective is to discredit PKR.
“I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person.
“I have broken no law; I stand by the fundamenal principles of a democracy that everyone has a right ot privacy,” she said.
She said that she believed that the attacks would continue in greater intensity and PKR’s political rivals would continue to “manipulate the situation.”
“Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people,” Wong said as many supporters who had gathered called for her to withdraw her offer to resign.
Wong was also the state exco member in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment, and the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
The Election Commission has fixed April 7 for by-elections in the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak and the Bukit Selambau state seat in Kedah.
Bukit Gantang Member of Parliament Roslan Shaharum of PAS died of a heart attack on Feb 9, while the Bukit Selambau assemblyman V. Arumugam of PKR quit the day before over a marriage scandal.
Wong earlier said that she was informed last Friday by journalists from a daily that they were in possession of intimate photographs of her and that the daily was about to publish a story about them.
She described the distribution and publication of the materials a malicious attack on her personality, a gross outrage of her modesty and a gross invasion of her privacy.
OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed that Wong had lodged a police report Sunday night and said that police were investigating.
He said that Wong had heard about the photographs being circulated from friends and journalists.
“We will be calling everyone involved to give their statements as soon as possible,” he said.
ACP Arjunaidi warned that action would be taken against anyone found distributing the pictures.
“You may face a jail term of up to three years, a fine, or both, under Section 292 of the Penal Code for distributing and having in possession material containing pornographic elements,” he said.
There is talk that the pictures, allegedly snapped without her consent or knowledge, might have been taken and circulated by an ex-boyfriend.
The distribution of her photographs has incensed women’s groups and leaders from both sides of the political divide.
MCA Wanita chief Datin Chew Mei Fun condemned the person or persons responsible, saying:
“We are outraged by such shameful acts of using women as sexual objects. It is an outright invasion of the privacy of women as well as an exploitation of women for political use.”
Chew said taking photographs of bodily parts without consent or knowledge is against the law and punishable under the Penal Code (Act 574) and publishing such pornographic materials in the public domain also constituted to a violation of the same Act.
The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) expressed shock over the unauthorised circulation of the pictures, saying that Wong was being victimised as a single woman, in a tactic meant to deliberately cast moral aspersions and indirectly question her ability to carry out her duties as a politician.
The group – comprising Awam, Empower, WAO and WCC – said it hoped to hear strong statements from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat condemning the circulation of sexually intimate photos and videos as a means of practising politics.
Wong, in a personal message on her blog, thanked everyone for messages of support.
“I am grateful for your support and kind words of encouragement, especially from my constituents, my party and Pakatan members, exco members and old friends. This means the world to me.
“I also wish to thank some fellow politicians from the other opposite end of the political divide for their encouragement too,” she said.
Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor, in the general election on March 8 last year.
On Monday, Khalid had said that the scandal would not affect Wong’s ability to serve as assemblyman and exco member.
“I have full confidence that she will continue to carry out her duties efficiently,” he said in a statement, adding that in her 11 months in office, she had proven that she could carry out her duties as assemblyman and exco member diligently and intelligently.
The Star has come out with updated version of the news about Elizabeth Wong as follows:
PETALING JAYA: Selangor executive council member and Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, whose nude photographs were being circulated, has offered to quit both positions, possibly paving the way for a third by-election within the next two months.
She said she will discuss with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to arrange for the proper handover of her responsibilities.
“I will continue to serve the people and fight for justice for Malaysia,” she said at a press conference outside the PKR headquarters here Tuesday morning.
She said that although the smear campaign directed against her has caused a lot of anguish, she is aware that the real objective is to discredit PKR.
“I have done nothing wrong; I wish to state that I am not ashamed of my sexuality as a woman and as a single person.
“I have broken no law; I stand by the fundamenal principles of a democracy that everyone has a right ot privacy,” she said.
She said that she believed that the attacks would continue in greater intensity and PKR’s political rivals would continue to “manipulate the situation.”
“Accordingly, I have decided to make a stand in the interest of the party and its struggle for the people,” Wong said as many supporters who had gathered called for her to withdraw her offer to resign.
Wong was also the state exco member in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment, and the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
The Election Commission has fixed April 7 for by-elections in the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak and the Bukit Selambau state seat in Kedah.
Bukit Gantang Member of Parliament Roslan Shaharum of PAS died of a heart attack on Feb 9, while the Bukit Selambau assemblyman V. Arumugam of PKR quit the day before over a marriage scandal.
Wong earlier said that she was informed last Friday by journalists from a daily that they were in possession of intimate photographs of her and that the daily was about to publish a story about them.
She described the distribution and publication of the materials a malicious attack on her personality, a gross outrage of her modesty and a gross invasion of her privacy.
OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed that Wong had lodged a police report Sunday night and said that police were investigating.
He said that Wong had heard about the photographs being circulated from friends and journalists.
“We will be calling everyone involved to give their statements as soon as possible,” he said.
ACP Arjunaidi warned that action would be taken against anyone found distributing the pictures.
“You may face a jail term of up to three years, a fine, or both, under Section 292 of the Penal Code for distributing and having in possession material containing pornographic elements,” he said.
There is talk that the pictures, allegedly snapped without her consent or knowledge, might have been taken and circulated by an ex-boyfriend.
The distribution of her photographs has incensed women’s groups and leaders from both sides of the political divide.
MCA Wanita chief Datin Chew Mei Fun condemned the person or persons responsible, saying:
“We are outraged by such shameful acts of using women as sexual objects. It is an outright invasion of the privacy of women as well as an exploitation of women for political use.”
Chew said taking photographs of bodily parts without consent or knowledge is against the law and punishable under the Penal Code (Act 574) and publishing such pornographic materials in the public domain also constituted to a violation of the same Act.
The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) expressed shock over the unauthorised circulation of the pictures, saying that Wong was being victimised as a single woman, in a tactic meant to deliberately cast moral aspersions and indirectly question her ability to carry out her duties as a politician.
The group – comprising Awam, Empower, WAO and WCC – said it hoped to hear strong statements from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat condemning the circulation of sexually intimate photos and videos as a means of practising politics.
Wong, in a personal message on her blog, thanked everyone for messages of support.
“I am grateful for your support and kind words of encouragement, especially from my constituents, my party and Pakatan members, exco members and old friends. This means the world to me.
“I also wish to thank some fellow politicians from the other opposite end of the political divide for their encouragement too,” she said.
Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor, in the general election on March 8 last year.
On Monday, Khalid had said that the scandal would not affect Wong’s ability to serve as assemblyman and exco member.
“I have full confidence that she will continue to carry out her duties efficiently,” he said in a statement, adding that in her 11 months in office, she had proven that she could carry out her duties as assemblyman and exco member diligently and intelligently.
Elizabeth Wong,
Altantuya case: Sirul Azhar asks court to acquit him of murder or declare mistrial and retry case with all 3 accused, including Razak Baginda
16/2 Altantuya case: Sirul Azhar asks court to acquit him of murder or declare mistrial and retry case with all 3 accused, including Razak Baginda
15/2 Barisan will only consider a local person, acceptable to all races, as a candidate for the April 7 Bukit Gantang by-election in Perak: Najib
15/2 PM will brief the Council of Rulers on the political development in Perak at its next meeting
15/2 Second stimulus package to focus on infrastructure and human resource development; quantum yet to be finalised: Dep Finance Minister
14/2 ROS has declared that the appointment of Puan Seri Jayashree Pandithan as IPF president was not in line with the party constitution
14/2 SMK Victoria, which now has national heritage status, reverted to its old name of Victoria Institution on Saturday: Heritage Minister
14/2 The Le Tour de Langkawi cycling event will see several roads closed from Kuala Selangor district border to Shah Alam from 12.30pm: Police
14/2 Damaged pipeline from Sg Semenyih disrupts water supply to Hulu Langat, Kuala Langat, Sepang; water expected to flow again Sunday: Syabas
14/2 Qantas baggage handlers have walked off in Melbourne causing flight delays, passenger pile up at Tullamarine domestic, international terminals
13/2 Nomination for Bkt Gantang and Bkt Selambau by-elections on March 29, polling on April 7: EC chairman Abdul Aziz
13/2 NPE toll collection at PJS2 (next to Tmn Medan) heading to KL only will be abolished from 12:01am on Feb 14 onwards: Works Minister
13/2 Raja Petra fails in bid to transfer his three criminal defamation from Sessions to Magistrates court
13/2 Ex-Perak MB Nizar files suits against current MB Dr Zambry, saying his swearing in illegal and unconstitutional, at KL High Court at 11:30am
12/2 Pakatan to postpone filing its intended suit against Perak MB Dr Zambry to later date, lawyers still preparing documents
12/2 Two big communications satellites collided in the first-ever crash of its kind, spewing space litter that could hit other satellites: NASA
12/2 Port Klang rep Badrul Hisham Abdullah denies he is quitting PKR, says he will remain loyal to the party and its de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim
12/2 Several roads in Klang Valley to be closed for Le Tour de Langkawi from Fri to Sun, go to or for more
12/2 Federal govt will give aid to flood victims and farmers whose crops were destroyed by floods in Sarawak: Najib
12/2 Singers David Arumugam of Alleycats and Khadijah Ibrahim conferred Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang, which has the title Datuk, by Pahang Sultan
12/2 Former Perak MB Nizar finally agrees to vacate official mentri besar residence, says he will do so in 10 days
11/2 Electricity tariff cut by 2.54pc on average for domestic users and 2.7-5pc for commercial and industrial users from March 1: Minister Shaziman
11/2 Federal Court dismisses application by 5 Hindraf leaders, detained under ISA, to review an apex court rejection of their habeas corpus request
11/2 Three ex-judges and one former solicitor-general appointed to Judicial Appointments Commission to be headed by Chief Justice Zaki Tun Azmi
11/2 For the first time after being sworn-in, new Perak MB Zambry and his exco reported for work at the state secretariat at 10am Wednesday
11/2 Total of 89 police reports lodged against Karpal Singh for saying he intends to pursue legal action against Perak Sultan: KL police chief
11/2 Haze has descended on Penang, limiting visibility in three areas to between 4 to 7 km, due to fires in Sumatra
11/2 Zambry names 3 advisers to MB with exco status; Datuk Dr S. Veerasingam, Chang Ka Youn, Datuk Najmudin Elias al-Hafiz; see
11/2 Bird flu is raging in seven Vietnam provinces; Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Hau Giang Quang Ninh, Nghe An and newly hit Quang Tri and Bac Ninh
11/2 Bkt Aman officers recorded statement this afternoon from Selangor police chief DCP Khalid over Kugan mortuary incident
15/2 Barisan will only consider a local person, acceptable to all races, as a candidate for the April 7 Bukit Gantang by-election in Perak: Najib
15/2 PM will brief the Council of Rulers on the political development in Perak at its next meeting
15/2 Second stimulus package to focus on infrastructure and human resource development; quantum yet to be finalised: Dep Finance Minister
14/2 ROS has declared that the appointment of Puan Seri Jayashree Pandithan as IPF president was not in line with the party constitution
14/2 SMK Victoria, which now has national heritage status, reverted to its old name of Victoria Institution on Saturday: Heritage Minister
14/2 The Le Tour de Langkawi cycling event will see several roads closed from Kuala Selangor district border to Shah Alam from 12.30pm: Police
14/2 Damaged pipeline from Sg Semenyih disrupts water supply to Hulu Langat, Kuala Langat, Sepang; water expected to flow again Sunday: Syabas
14/2 Qantas baggage handlers have walked off in Melbourne causing flight delays, passenger pile up at Tullamarine domestic, international terminals
13/2 Nomination for Bkt Gantang and Bkt Selambau by-elections on March 29, polling on April 7: EC chairman Abdul Aziz
13/2 NPE toll collection at PJS2 (next to Tmn Medan) heading to KL only will be abolished from 12:01am on Feb 14 onwards: Works Minister
13/2 Raja Petra fails in bid to transfer his three criminal defamation from Sessions to Magistrates court
13/2 Ex-Perak MB Nizar files suits against current MB Dr Zambry, saying his swearing in illegal and unconstitutional, at KL High Court at 11:30am
12/2 Pakatan to postpone filing its intended suit against Perak MB Dr Zambry to later date, lawyers still preparing documents
12/2 Two big communications satellites collided in the first-ever crash of its kind, spewing space litter that could hit other satellites: NASA
12/2 Port Klang rep Badrul Hisham Abdullah denies he is quitting PKR, says he will remain loyal to the party and its de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim
12/2 Several roads in Klang Valley to be closed for Le Tour de Langkawi from Fri to Sun, go to or for more
12/2 Federal govt will give aid to flood victims and farmers whose crops were destroyed by floods in Sarawak: Najib
12/2 Singers David Arumugam of Alleycats and Khadijah Ibrahim conferred Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang, which has the title Datuk, by Pahang Sultan
12/2 Former Perak MB Nizar finally agrees to vacate official mentri besar residence, says he will do so in 10 days
11/2 Electricity tariff cut by 2.54pc on average for domestic users and 2.7-5pc for commercial and industrial users from March 1: Minister Shaziman
11/2 Federal Court dismisses application by 5 Hindraf leaders, detained under ISA, to review an apex court rejection of their habeas corpus request
11/2 Three ex-judges and one former solicitor-general appointed to Judicial Appointments Commission to be headed by Chief Justice Zaki Tun Azmi
11/2 For the first time after being sworn-in, new Perak MB Zambry and his exco reported for work at the state secretariat at 10am Wednesday
11/2 Total of 89 police reports lodged against Karpal Singh for saying he intends to pursue legal action against Perak Sultan: KL police chief
11/2 Haze has descended on Penang, limiting visibility in three areas to between 4 to 7 km, due to fires in Sumatra
11/2 Zambry names 3 advisers to MB with exco status; Datuk Dr S. Veerasingam, Chang Ka Youn, Datuk Najmudin Elias al-Hafiz; see
11/2 Bird flu is raging in seven Vietnam provinces; Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Hau Giang Quang Ninh, Nghe An and newly hit Quang Tri and Bac Ninh
11/2 Bkt Aman officers recorded statement this afternoon from Selangor police chief DCP Khalid over Kugan mortuary incident
Elizabeth Wong score 60 point + picture
Monday, February 16, 2009
Elizabeth Wong score 60 point + picture
Outspoken Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong lodged a police report at the Damansara police station Petaling Jaya on Sunday night over nude pictures and videos of her that have been circulating via MMS.
In a statement released today, Wong said that the distribution and publication of these photos/ video was a malicious attack.
Petaling jaya OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed a report was lodged and that police were investigating. but he said that they don't have the pictures and they have not seen them.
Elizabeth Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor.
She was later appointed a member of the Selangor state executive council, in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment. She is also the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
It is rumoured that the pictures may have been taken and circulated by an ex-boyfriend.
I was informed on Friday, Feb 13, 2009 by journalists from The Malay Mail that they have in their possession intimate photos of myself and that the newspaper will be publishing a story about these photographs.
I was told that some people are trying to distribute photos/ videos showing me asleep in partial nudity and also in intimate positions.
The distribution and publication of these photos/ video is a malicious attack on my personality. This constitutes a gross outrage on my modesty, a gross invasion of my privacy, and in particular the sanctity of my personal life. It is being done by unscrupulous persons to embarrass and discredit me?
I am a victim in this incident.
I have yesterday lodged a police report in relation to this matter and I will fully cooperate with the police in their investigation. I will therefore not speculate publicly about those responsible for this gross invasion of my privacy.
I have received a lot of support from my supporters, friends, colleagues and members of my constituency. I wish to thank them for their concern, support and encouragement.
My family members are standing behind me. I would like to appeal to the media to give me and my family members some breathing space in this trying time so that I can weather this huge challenge.
I will in the meantime continue to carry out my task of serving the people of Selangor faithfully.
Elizabeth Wong
Bukit Lanjan assemblyperson
Exco for Tourism, Environment and Consumer Affairs
I remember when MCA Vice President and Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek admitted during a press conference in Labis, Johor last year that he was the man captured on tape engaging in sexual acts with a young woman. And at that time everyone + opposition ask Soi Lek to step down.
Elizabeth Wong also post her comment on Soi Lek scandal. Read here and here
When Soi Lek turn 61, I wish him Happy Birthday. And I also said: "Who can score 60 point on the dart board we said 'sexsies' (sixty)."
Yes... I recieve your picture when you sleepzzzzzz, with sarong (kain batik).
But then I relise that "You score 60 point". I decide to post here one of the picture...
By the way, the above "I" here is not me but Lee Kok Liang Sr. and Lee Kok Liang, Jr.
Elizabeth Wong score 60 point + picture
Outspoken Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong lodged a police report at the Damansara police station Petaling Jaya on Sunday night over nude pictures and videos of her that have been circulating via MMS.
In a statement released today, Wong said that the distribution and publication of these photos/ video was a malicious attack.
Petaling jaya OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed a report was lodged and that police were investigating. but he said that they don't have the pictures and they have not seen them.
Elizabeth Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor.
She was later appointed a member of the Selangor state executive council, in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment. She is also the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
It is rumoured that the pictures may have been taken and circulated by an ex-boyfriend.
I was informed on Friday, Feb 13, 2009 by journalists from The Malay Mail that they have in their possession intimate photos of myself and that the newspaper will be publishing a story about these photographs.
I was told that some people are trying to distribute photos/ videos showing me asleep in partial nudity and also in intimate positions.
The distribution and publication of these photos/ video is a malicious attack on my personality. This constitutes a gross outrage on my modesty, a gross invasion of my privacy, and in particular the sanctity of my personal life. It is being done by unscrupulous persons to embarrass and discredit me?
I am a victim in this incident.
I have yesterday lodged a police report in relation to this matter and I will fully cooperate with the police in their investigation. I will therefore not speculate publicly about those responsible for this gross invasion of my privacy.
I have received a lot of support from my supporters, friends, colleagues and members of my constituency. I wish to thank them for their concern, support and encouragement.
My family members are standing behind me. I would like to appeal to the media to give me and my family members some breathing space in this trying time so that I can weather this huge challenge.
I will in the meantime continue to carry out my task of serving the people of Selangor faithfully.
Elizabeth Wong
Bukit Lanjan assemblyperson
Exco for Tourism, Environment and Consumer Affairs
I remember when MCA Vice President and Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek admitted during a press conference in Labis, Johor last year that he was the man captured on tape engaging in sexual acts with a young woman. And at that time everyone + opposition ask Soi Lek to step down.
Elizabeth Wong also post her comment on Soi Lek scandal. Read here and here
When Soi Lek turn 61, I wish him Happy Birthday. And I also said: "Who can score 60 point on the dart board we said 'sexsies' (sixty)."
Yes... I recieve your picture when you sleepzzzzzz, with sarong (kain batik).
But then I relise that "You score 60 point". I decide to post here one of the picture...
By the way, the above "I" here is not me but Lee Kok Liang Sr. and Lee Kok Liang, Jr.
Elizabeth Wong,
Elizabeth Wong nude pictures circulating online?
The Star reported on Elizabeth Wong nude pictures circulating online as follows:
PETALING JAYA: Outspoken Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong lodged a police report at the Damansara police station here Sunday night over nude pictures of her that have been circulating online and via MMS.
Early unconfirmed reports say that the pictures were taken without her consent.
OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed a report was lodged and that police were investigating.
The pictures are believed to have been taken using a handphone, possibly before the general election last March.
On Monday morning, Wong's staff had locked the doors to her office at the state assembly building in Shah Alam.
Her special assistant Chua Yee Ling said the assemblyman was at a meeting and would be releasing an official statement on the issue on Monday afernoon.
Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor.
She was later appointed a member of the Selangor state executive council, in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment. She is also the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
As at press time, she had not commented on the issue on her blog.
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim urged the police to conduct a proper investigation into the matter.
He told reporters outside Parliament that the Selangor state executive council would discuss the matter during its meeting on Wednesday.
PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail said she was sad about the nude pictures being circulated.
“There is a pattern of PKR assemblymen being attacked,” she said, alleging that the ruling coalition Barisan nasional has had its share of scandals too.

Photo of Elizabeth Wong
Profile of Elizabeth Wong
ELIZABETH WONG (黄洁冰) has been involved in human rights since her student days in Sydney and subsequently during her work in Nepal. She was the secretary-general of the National Human Rights Society (Hakam) (全国人权协会)from 2000-2006 (now sitting as a member of the Ex-Com), a member of the Suaram (大马人民之声) secretariat and was a human rights fellow of Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs (2002-03). She is also a political consultant and has been involved in the setup of the Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus for Democracy and Solidarity Campaign for Human Rights in Aceh.
PETALING JAYA: Outspoken Bukit Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong lodged a police report at the Damansara police station here Sunday night over nude pictures of her that have been circulating online and via MMS.
Early unconfirmed reports say that the pictures were taken without her consent.
OCPD Asst Comm Arjunaidi Mohamed confirmed a report was lodged and that police were investigating.
The pictures are believed to have been taken using a handphone, possibly before the general election last March.
On Monday morning, Wong's staff had locked the doors to her office at the state assembly building in Shah Alam.
Her special assistant Chua Yee Ling said the assemblyman was at a meeting and would be releasing an official statement on the issue on Monday afernoon.
Wong won the Bukit Lanjan seat with a majority of over 5,000, the second largest majority won by a PKR state assembly candidate in Selangor.
She was later appointed a member of the Selangor state executive council, in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and the Environment. She is also the information chief of the Women’s wing of PKR and of her division Petaling Jaya Utara.
As at press time, she had not commented on the issue on her blog.
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim urged the police to conduct a proper investigation into the matter.
He told reporters outside Parliament that the Selangor state executive council would discuss the matter during its meeting on Wednesday.
PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail said she was sad about the nude pictures being circulated.
“There is a pattern of PKR assemblymen being attacked,” she said, alleging that the ruling coalition Barisan nasional has had its share of scandals too.

Photo of Elizabeth Wong
Profile of Elizabeth Wong
ELIZABETH WONG (黄洁冰) has been involved in human rights since her student days in Sydney and subsequently during her work in Nepal. She was the secretary-general of the National Human Rights Society (Hakam) (全国人权协会)from 2000-2006 (now sitting as a member of the Ex-Com), a member of the Suaram (大马人民之声) secretariat and was a human rights fellow of Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs (2002-03). She is also a political consultant and has been involved in the setup of the Asean Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus for Democracy and Solidarity Campaign for Human Rights in Aceh.
Elizabeth Wong nude pictures,
Created 02/10/2009 - 19:30
Created 02/10/2009 - 19:30
许月风因爲霹雳州的变天事件而出名,有人在中国陵园墓产品展示网為她建立许月风紀念館,指她是“霹雳州的变天的幕后功臣 ”,更有人在網上留言罵她,網上點擊量極高。
他的主题是“贪得无厌的许月风 ” 時間是2009-2-10 15:39:00。
1) 她离开火箭党,是不被认同或者被排挤,这是她个人的自由。可是,她离开后成为独立人士却去支持国阵,那是不可能被霹雳人民与她的选区人民所能接受。就算三岁小孩,都觉得她在演戏张大眼睛说谎。除了智障的国阵领袖。
他的主题是“贪得无厌的许月风 ” 時間是2009-2-10 15:39:00。
1) 她离开火箭党,是不被认同或者被排挤,这是她个人的自由。可是,她离开后成为独立人士却去支持国阵,那是不可能被霹雳人民与她的选区人民所能接受。就算三岁小孩,都觉得她在演戏张大眼睛说谎。除了智障的国阵领袖。
Election Commission will meet this Friday to discuss dates for by-elections
10/2 The Election Commission will meet this Friday to discuss dates for the Bkt Gantang and Bkt Selambau by-elections.
10/2 Assemblymen Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) fail to turn up in court for their corruption trial
10/2 Ipoh Magistrates Court issues arrest warrant against Mohd Osman for not turning up in court, sister says he is unwell but unable to produce MC
9/2 Wildfires ripping across Victoria in Australia have killed 128 by Monday, razed 750 homes and, in some cases, entire towns; more deaths feared
9/2 PAS MP for Bukit Gantang Roslan Shaharum, 50, died of a heart attack while cycling this morning
9/2 Pakatan will ask the court soon, but not on Tuesday, to declare the swearing-in of Zambry and his exco as illegal and unconstitutional
9/2 Kedah MB Azizan Abdul Razak confirms that V.Arumugam of PKR has quit as exco member AND as Bkt Selambau assemblyman
8/2 Toll rates to be discussed at weekly Cabinet meeting on Wednesday: Works Minister Mohd Zin
8/2 Death toll from wildfires sweeping across southeast Australia rises to 65, more expected as rescue teams reach more burnt-out areas
8/2 DAP head Karpal asks Anwar Ibrahim to step down as Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, blaming him for creating party-hopping culture and causing trouble in Pakatan
7/2 Nizar, who has refused to step down as Perak MB, held a special exco meeting at the MB residence
7/2 Electricity tariffs for all households and industries will be cut 7 to 10 percent effective March 1: Energy Minister
7/2 New Perak MB Zambry said Nizar can take his time to vacate the Perak MB residence; see for more
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar says seeking audience with Sultan at 4pm to get consent to dissolve state govt
4/2 Perak Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu will join Umno; on way to Putrajaya
4/2 Perak assemblymen Jamaluddin Radzi, Osman Mohd Jailu, Datuk Nasarudin Hashim and Hee Yit Foong are now in DPM Najib office
4/2 Britain, US urge temporary ceasefire in Sri Lanka to evacuate casualties and allow relief into conflict zone as the army battles Tamil tigers
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar holding a press conference before 1pm, expected to make major announcement
4/2 BN has the majority to form Perak govt as Bota assemblyman Nasarudin returned to Umno and three independent assemblymen pledge support for BN
4/2 U.N. says cluster bombs hit last functioning hospital in Sri Lanka northern war zone; President Mahinda says Tamil tigers nearly crushed
4/2 DPM Najib says he will seek an audience with Perak Sultan soon to inform him about Barisan ability to form the new Perak state government
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar postpones 1pm conference; aide says he is expected to seek audience with Sultan to ask permission to dissolve state govt
4/2 Perak MB left Istana Kinta at 5.45pm and told reporters that it was up to Sultan Azlan Shah to choose to dissolve the State Assembly or not
5/2 Perak: Speaker Sivakumar wants High Court to declare undated resignation letters of 3 assemblyman, who turned independent, as valid
5/2 PM Abdullah announces Pangkor rep Zambri Kadir is new Perak Mentri Besar, to be sworn in at 3:30pm tomorrow
5/2 Perak: IGP warns stern action against Pakatan Rakyat supporters who take part in illegal gatherings in Ipoh
5/2 Perak: Najib said 28 BN assemblymen and 3 Independents swore support to BN in front of Sultan Azlan Shah and that BN can now form state govt
5/2 Perak: DPM Najib and Zahid Hamidi enter Istana Kinta at 9:50am to seek Sultan Azlan Shah's consent for Barisan to form the new Perak govt
5/2 Perak: MB Nizar, looking cheerful, just left Istana Kinta and said that Anwar will give a press conference at 3pm at his residence
5/2 Sultan Azlan Shah does not consent to dissolution of State Assembly, asks Perak MB Nizar to quit immediately or post to be considered vacant
5/2 Perak: Police and FRU have taken over the State Secretariat building; state sec tells all excos and theis PAs to leave immediately
5/2 PM Abdullah tells Pakatan to accept that Perak has fallen, just as BN had to accept the results of the general election last March
5/2 Perak: MB Nizar told reporters in Bagan Serai that he had just been summoned to Istana Kinta; Najib has left after his second Istana visit
5/2 Perak: Anwar will be at the MB office at 3pm and a mammoth gathering at the MB residence is planned for 7pm
6/2 Speaker Sivakumar will write to Perak Sultan by 3pm for an emergency state assembly sitting and to postpone the swearing in of the new MB
6/2 FRU fire tear gas into thousands of Pakatan protesters outside Masjid Ubudiah near Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar
6/2 Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir is sworn in as new Perak Mentri Besar before Sultan Azlan Shah at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar
6/2 Nizar, ordered by the Perak Sultan to quit as MB, entered the state secretariat building at 9:50am Friday in his state car, with his excos
6/2 Nizar was escorted out of his now emptied room at the state secretariat at 10:15am by Ipoh OCPD who stopped Nizar press conference
6/2 Nizar refuses to resign as Menteri Besar on the conviction that he still legally holds the post under the Perak State Constitution
6/2 Cabinet has agreed to table a mini budget this parliamentary session; DPM says this will encompass fiscal, monetary and other measures
6/2 Nizar to file application at High Court to declare Dr Zambry's swearing in as new Perak Mentri Besar as unconstitutional
10/2 Assemblymen Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) fail to turn up in court for their corruption trial
10/2 Ipoh Magistrates Court issues arrest warrant against Mohd Osman for not turning up in court, sister says he is unwell but unable to produce MC
9/2 Wildfires ripping across Victoria in Australia have killed 128 by Monday, razed 750 homes and, in some cases, entire towns; more deaths feared
9/2 PAS MP for Bukit Gantang Roslan Shaharum, 50, died of a heart attack while cycling this morning
9/2 Pakatan will ask the court soon, but not on Tuesday, to declare the swearing-in of Zambry and his exco as illegal and unconstitutional
9/2 Kedah MB Azizan Abdul Razak confirms that V.Arumugam of PKR has quit as exco member AND as Bkt Selambau assemblyman
8/2 Toll rates to be discussed at weekly Cabinet meeting on Wednesday: Works Minister Mohd Zin
8/2 Death toll from wildfires sweeping across southeast Australia rises to 65, more expected as rescue teams reach more burnt-out areas
8/2 DAP head Karpal asks Anwar Ibrahim to step down as Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader, blaming him for creating party-hopping culture and causing trouble in Pakatan
7/2 Nizar, who has refused to step down as Perak MB, held a special exco meeting at the MB residence
7/2 Electricity tariffs for all households and industries will be cut 7 to 10 percent effective March 1: Energy Minister
7/2 New Perak MB Zambry said Nizar can take his time to vacate the Perak MB residence; see for more
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar says seeking audience with Sultan at 4pm to get consent to dissolve state govt
4/2 Perak Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu will join Umno; on way to Putrajaya
4/2 Perak assemblymen Jamaluddin Radzi, Osman Mohd Jailu, Datuk Nasarudin Hashim and Hee Yit Foong are now in DPM Najib office
4/2 Britain, US urge temporary ceasefire in Sri Lanka to evacuate casualties and allow relief into conflict zone as the army battles Tamil tigers
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar holding a press conference before 1pm, expected to make major announcement
4/2 BN has the majority to form Perak govt as Bota assemblyman Nasarudin returned to Umno and three independent assemblymen pledge support for BN
4/2 U.N. says cluster bombs hit last functioning hospital in Sri Lanka northern war zone; President Mahinda says Tamil tigers nearly crushed
4/2 DPM Najib says he will seek an audience with Perak Sultan soon to inform him about Barisan ability to form the new Perak state government
4/2 Perak MB Mohd Nizar postpones 1pm conference; aide says he is expected to seek audience with Sultan to ask permission to dissolve state govt
4/2 Perak MB left Istana Kinta at 5.45pm and told reporters that it was up to Sultan Azlan Shah to choose to dissolve the State Assembly or not
5/2 Perak: Speaker Sivakumar wants High Court to declare undated resignation letters of 3 assemblyman, who turned independent, as valid
5/2 PM Abdullah announces Pangkor rep Zambri Kadir is new Perak Mentri Besar, to be sworn in at 3:30pm tomorrow
5/2 Perak: IGP warns stern action against Pakatan Rakyat supporters who take part in illegal gatherings in Ipoh
5/2 Perak: Najib said 28 BN assemblymen and 3 Independents swore support to BN in front of Sultan Azlan Shah and that BN can now form state govt
5/2 Perak: DPM Najib and Zahid Hamidi enter Istana Kinta at 9:50am to seek Sultan Azlan Shah's consent for Barisan to form the new Perak govt
5/2 Perak: MB Nizar, looking cheerful, just left Istana Kinta and said that Anwar will give a press conference at 3pm at his residence
5/2 Sultan Azlan Shah does not consent to dissolution of State Assembly, asks Perak MB Nizar to quit immediately or post to be considered vacant
5/2 Perak: Police and FRU have taken over the State Secretariat building; state sec tells all excos and theis PAs to leave immediately
5/2 PM Abdullah tells Pakatan to accept that Perak has fallen, just as BN had to accept the results of the general election last March
5/2 Perak: MB Nizar told reporters in Bagan Serai that he had just been summoned to Istana Kinta; Najib has left after his second Istana visit
5/2 Perak: Anwar will be at the MB office at 3pm and a mammoth gathering at the MB residence is planned for 7pm
6/2 Speaker Sivakumar will write to Perak Sultan by 3pm for an emergency state assembly sitting and to postpone the swearing in of the new MB
6/2 FRU fire tear gas into thousands of Pakatan protesters outside Masjid Ubudiah near Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar
6/2 Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir is sworn in as new Perak Mentri Besar before Sultan Azlan Shah at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar
6/2 Nizar, ordered by the Perak Sultan to quit as MB, entered the state secretariat building at 9:50am Friday in his state car, with his excos
6/2 Nizar was escorted out of his now emptied room at the state secretariat at 10:15am by Ipoh OCPD who stopped Nizar press conference
6/2 Nizar refuses to resign as Menteri Besar on the conviction that he still legally holds the post under the Perak State Constitution
6/2 Cabinet has agreed to table a mini budget this parliamentary session; DPM says this will encompass fiscal, monetary and other measures
6/2 Nizar to file application at High Court to declare Dr Zambry's swearing in as new Perak Mentri Besar as unconstitutional
abdullah ahmad badawi,
PKR’s Arumugam quits Kedah exco seat and also as state assemblyman
According to The Star:
PKR’s Arumugam quits Kedah exco seat (updated)
ALOR SETAR: Kedah executive council member V.Arumugam has relinquished his exco post as well as Bukit Selambau state assemblyman, Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak announced Monday.
Arumugan was initially an independent who joined PKR after winning the Bukit Selambau state seat in the general election last March.
He was said to have informed PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of his decision at a discreet meeting in Ipoh on Sunday.
PKR state training bureau chairman Zambri Yusuf said Arumugam has made known his intention to Anwar at the meeting.
“Arumugam has decided to quit his position as an exco due to the mounting pressure on him and his family to defect to Barisan Nasional.”
Speculation has been rife for weeks that Arumugam intended relinquish his post due to the mounting pressure to stay in Pakatan Rakyat or defect to Barisan as an assemblyman.
(Blogger's observation: Of course, there will be a by-election. But will there be any cross-over to the BN? With Arumugam, Pakatan has secured 22 seats, BN 14 seats. Now without Arumugam, Pakatan has got 21 seats, BN 14, you need 4 state assembymen to cross over to allow BN to secure the majority. If Pakatan were to win the by-election in the Bukit Selambau seat, then there might not be any cross-over because any cross-over will be seen as against the wishes of the people.)
PKR’s Arumugam quits Kedah exco seat (updated)
ALOR SETAR: Kedah executive council member V.Arumugam has relinquished his exco post as well as Bukit Selambau state assemblyman, Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak announced Monday.
Arumugan was initially an independent who joined PKR after winning the Bukit Selambau state seat in the general election last March.
He was said to have informed PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of his decision at a discreet meeting in Ipoh on Sunday.
PKR state training bureau chairman Zambri Yusuf said Arumugam has made known his intention to Anwar at the meeting.
“Arumugam has decided to quit his position as an exco due to the mounting pressure on him and his family to defect to Barisan Nasional.”
Speculation has been rife for weeks that Arumugam intended relinquish his post due to the mounting pressure to stay in Pakatan Rakyat or defect to Barisan as an assemblyman.
(Blogger's observation: Of course, there will be a by-election. But will there be any cross-over to the BN? With Arumugam, Pakatan has secured 22 seats, BN 14 seats. Now without Arumugam, Pakatan has got 21 seats, BN 14, you need 4 state assembymen to cross over to allow BN to secure the majority. If Pakatan were to win the by-election in the Bukit Selambau seat, then there might not be any cross-over because any cross-over will be seen as against the wishes of the people.)
Arumugam quits
The PAS MP for Bukit Gantang Roslan Shaharum died of a heart attack on Monday morning, paving the way for yet another by-election.
The Star reported that :
BATU GAJAH: The PAS Member of Parliament for Bukit Gantang Roslan Shaharum died of a heart attack on Monday morning, paving the way for yet another by-election.
“Once we receive official notification of his death by the Dewan Rakyat Speaker (Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia), we will have a special meeting to discuss when to call for a by-election,” Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof said.
(Blogger's observation:Dewan Rakyat Speaker is a very important person. If he does not notify the Election Commission of the death or resignation of the MP, it will not call for a by-election. How about the Perak case?)
This would be the third by-election since the 12th general election on March 8 last year.
The first was in Permatang Pauh last year when its Member of Parliament Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail stepped down to make way for her husband, now Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to contest.
Anwar won the seat, which marked his return to Parliament after a decade.
The second was in Kuala Terenganu in January following the death of its MP Datuk Razali Ismail last Nov 28.
PAS candidate Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut won the seat, beating Barisan Nasional candidate Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh and independent Azharuddin Mamat @ Adam.
The Bukit Gantang constituency has three state assembly seats under it: Trong, Kuala Sapetang and Changkat Jering, whose assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu quit PKR last week to become an independent.
His resignation, plus that of two other assemblymen and the defection of a third, paved the way for Barisan Nasional to wrest Perak from Pakatan Rakyat.
Meanwhile, according to family members and the police, the 50-year-old Roslan had sent his car to a car-wash near his home in Changkat Lallang near here when he complained of chest pains.
He borrowed a bicycle from one of the car-wash workers to go to the nearest pharmacy.
His body was found at a slip road by passersby at 11:15am, Batu Gajah OCPD ACP Najib Mohamad said.
Roslan, who leaves behind a wife and 11 children, was formerly the human resource director of Perak Economic Development Corporation.
Last July, he was named chairman of Perak’s education foundation, Yayasan Perak.
According to Roslan's daughter Fatimah, 21, the whole family had been in Cameron Highlands for a family outing over the weekend when her father received a call on Sunday evening.
He was summoned to a meeting at the home of former Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who has refused Sultan Azlan Shah’s call for him to step down.
“He was there until 1.30 in the morning, and left home at 10am,” Fatimah said.
His wife Safiah Harun, 50, said Roslan had collapsed once about a month ago on an official visit to Taiwan because of a heart problem.
The funeral will be held at 6pm Monday at his village in Changkat Lallang, she said.
In the March 8 general election last year, Roslan had polled 20,015 votes against Abdul Azim Mohd Zabidi’s (Barisan Nasional) 18,449 votes.
The third candidate was an independent, M. Morgan, who got 872 votes
Profile of Roslan Shaharum
MP: Bukit Gantang
Full name: Roslan Shaharum
Party: PAS
Age: 49
Marital status: Married
Children: 10
Constituency: Bukit Gantang, Perak
Education: Master in Science (majored in Human Resource)
Profession: Former human resource director of Perak Economic Development Corporation
IN the three-corner fight for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak in the March 8 general election, Roslan Shaharum emerged victorious in what was essentially a two-party race.
Roslan of PAS polled 20,015 votes against Barisan Nasional man Abdul Azim Mohd Zabidi’s 18,449 votes. The third contestant – independent candidate M. Morgan – garnered a mere 872 votes.
How much time to do you spend on the computer?
Less than two hours a day. I also blog.
Do you play a musical instrument, dance or sing?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Are you into movies?
What do you read?
Books on politics and psychology, as those were the subjects I studied for my first degree.
What was the last book you read?
It was a political book but I cannot recall the title.
Are you into English Premier League football?
What’s your favourite sport?
What do you play?
Coffee or tea?
Any type of tea.
Do you smoke?
What is the gadget you can’t do without?
What’s your favourite food?
You have a weakness for ...
Nothing in particular. I am a simple guy.
What car do you drive and how long have you had it?
Mercedes Benz E200 Compressor. It is more than six years old.
What is your contribution to environmental conservation?
I don’t litter.
Name an idol whom you look up to and why.
Tok Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and Datuk Dr Harun Din. I learnt a lot from them, in matters of religion, politics and Islamic medicine.
BATU GAJAH: The PAS Member of Parliament for Bukit Gantang Roslan Shaharum died of a heart attack on Monday morning, paving the way for yet another by-election.
“Once we receive official notification of his death by the Dewan Rakyat Speaker (Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia), we will have a special meeting to discuss when to call for a by-election,” Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof said.
(Blogger's observation:Dewan Rakyat Speaker is a very important person. If he does not notify the Election Commission of the death or resignation of the MP, it will not call for a by-election. How about the Perak case?)
This would be the third by-election since the 12th general election on March 8 last year.
The first was in Permatang Pauh last year when its Member of Parliament Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail stepped down to make way for her husband, now Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to contest.
Anwar won the seat, which marked his return to Parliament after a decade.
The second was in Kuala Terenganu in January following the death of its MP Datuk Razali Ismail last Nov 28.
PAS candidate Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut won the seat, beating Barisan Nasional candidate Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh and independent Azharuddin Mamat @ Adam.
The Bukit Gantang constituency has three state assembly seats under it: Trong, Kuala Sapetang and Changkat Jering, whose assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu quit PKR last week to become an independent.
His resignation, plus that of two other assemblymen and the defection of a third, paved the way for Barisan Nasional to wrest Perak from Pakatan Rakyat.
Meanwhile, according to family members and the police, the 50-year-old Roslan had sent his car to a car-wash near his home in Changkat Lallang near here when he complained of chest pains.
He borrowed a bicycle from one of the car-wash workers to go to the nearest pharmacy.
His body was found at a slip road by passersby at 11:15am, Batu Gajah OCPD ACP Najib Mohamad said.
Roslan, who leaves behind a wife and 11 children, was formerly the human resource director of Perak Economic Development Corporation.
Last July, he was named chairman of Perak’s education foundation, Yayasan Perak.
According to Roslan's daughter Fatimah, 21, the whole family had been in Cameron Highlands for a family outing over the weekend when her father received a call on Sunday evening.
He was summoned to a meeting at the home of former Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who has refused Sultan Azlan Shah’s call for him to step down.
“He was there until 1.30 in the morning, and left home at 10am,” Fatimah said.
His wife Safiah Harun, 50, said Roslan had collapsed once about a month ago on an official visit to Taiwan because of a heart problem.
The funeral will be held at 6pm Monday at his village in Changkat Lallang, she said.
In the March 8 general election last year, Roslan had polled 20,015 votes against Abdul Azim Mohd Zabidi’s (Barisan Nasional) 18,449 votes.
The third candidate was an independent, M. Morgan, who got 872 votes
Profile of Roslan Shaharum
MP: Bukit Gantang
Full name: Roslan Shaharum
Party: PAS
Age: 49
Marital status: Married
Children: 10
Constituency: Bukit Gantang, Perak
Education: Master in Science (majored in Human Resource)
Profession: Former human resource director of Perak Economic Development Corporation
IN the three-corner fight for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat in Perak in the March 8 general election, Roslan Shaharum emerged victorious in what was essentially a two-party race.
Roslan of PAS polled 20,015 votes against Barisan Nasional man Abdul Azim Mohd Zabidi’s 18,449 votes. The third contestant – independent candidate M. Morgan – garnered a mere 872 votes.
How much time to do you spend on the computer?
Less than two hours a day. I also blog.
Do you play a musical instrument, dance or sing?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Are you into movies?
What do you read?
Books on politics and psychology, as those were the subjects I studied for my first degree.
What was the last book you read?
It was a political book but I cannot recall the title.
Are you into English Premier League football?
What’s your favourite sport?
What do you play?
Coffee or tea?
Any type of tea.
Do you smoke?
What is the gadget you can’t do without?
What’s your favourite food?
You have a weakness for ...
Nothing in particular. I am a simple guy.
What car do you drive and how long have you had it?
Mercedes Benz E200 Compressor. It is more than six years old.
What is your contribution to environmental conservation?
I don’t litter.
Name an idol whom you look up to and why.
Tok Guru Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and Datuk Dr Harun Din. I learnt a lot from them, in matters of religion, politics and Islamic medicine.
Roslan Shaharum
Nizar held a special exco meeting at the MB residence
7/2 Nizar, who has refused to step down as Perak MB, held a special exco meeting at the MB residence.
In the eye of the media, the new MB is Zambry, who has sworn in yesterday.
So many events had happened. The new BN Perak government could be formed because Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yi Foong quitting the DAP to become an Independent and supported the BN. It is so dramatic. Today you re MB, tomorrow you are not. The argument is not over yet. I guess the court has to decide who is legal and what is valid.
Let us see the earlier falls:
1966- Sarawak
The Federal Government imposed a state of emergency in Sarawak citing chaos when Stephen Kalong Ningkan(was chief minister but position removed by the state governor) had planned to call for a snap election after he was reinstated as its chief minister.
1978 - Kelantan
Kelantan's Pas-Umno coalition government in 1974-78 faced a crisis when Pas president Asri Mua tried to oust MB Datuk Mohammed Nasir, who represented Pas but was Umno-backed. The Federal government declared a state of emergency when a demonstration took place in Kota Bharu after Nasir has refused to resign although a motion of no confidence was passed against him in the state assembly.
1991 - Kelantan
Two semangat 46 assembly Nordin Sallh and Wan Mohamed Najib Mohamed quit the party and joined Umno. On April 25, the Kelantan State Assembly passed an amendment to the state constitution, which forces a state assemblyman to lose his seat and declared vacant if he quit the party or is sacked. A court battle ensued, resulting in their position being reaffirmed as assemblymen in 1992.
1986 and 1994 -- Sabah
Parti Bersatu Sabah's president Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan called for a snap election in 1986 and his party won. In 1994 election, PBS won 25 state seats while its opponents won 23. Pairin was sworn in as chief minister but later resigned when his party was hit by a series of defections that resulted in PBS having only five seats.
In the eye of the media, the new MB is Zambry, who has sworn in yesterday.
So many events had happened. The new BN Perak government could be formed because Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yi Foong quitting the DAP to become an Independent and supported the BN. It is so dramatic. Today you re MB, tomorrow you are not. The argument is not over yet. I guess the court has to decide who is legal and what is valid.
Let us see the earlier falls:
1966- Sarawak
The Federal Government imposed a state of emergency in Sarawak citing chaos when Stephen Kalong Ningkan(was chief minister but position removed by the state governor) had planned to call for a snap election after he was reinstated as its chief minister.
1978 - Kelantan
Kelantan's Pas-Umno coalition government in 1974-78 faced a crisis when Pas president Asri Mua tried to oust MB Datuk Mohammed Nasir, who represented Pas but was Umno-backed. The Federal government declared a state of emergency when a demonstration took place in Kota Bharu after Nasir has refused to resign although a motion of no confidence was passed against him in the state assembly.
1991 - Kelantan
Two semangat 46 assembly Nordin Sallh and Wan Mohamed Najib Mohamed quit the party and joined Umno. On April 25, the Kelantan State Assembly passed an amendment to the state constitution, which forces a state assemblyman to lose his seat and declared vacant if he quit the party or is sacked. A court battle ensued, resulting in their position being reaffirmed as assemblymen in 1992.
1986 and 1994 -- Sabah
Parti Bersatu Sabah's president Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan called for a snap election in 1986 and his party won. In 1994 election, PBS won 25 state seats while its opponents won 23. Pairin was sworn in as chief minister but later resigned when his party was hit by a series of defections that resulted in PBS having only five seats.
constitutional crisis
Silver State's Sickening Sad Sandiwara
Silver State's Sickening Sad Sandiwara
There are some interesting arguments in this blog.
Nasaruddin’s decision is critical and reflected the sentiments of his voters, namely the Malays in his constituency ... this reflected the demand of the public and ... as the beginning of a new wave - Anwar Ibrahim (when welcoming UMNO's Nasarudin Hashim's defection to PKR)
;-) that's the danger of sleeping around with frogs - they won't turn into Princes Charming, coz politics aren't fairy tales and besides, frogs having no loyalty nor morals, are more likely to shaft you (like they did their old side) as that's how they promote their own interests
Jumping in is okay but jumping out is not legal. Hee, hee, hee! - Dr Mahathir (sniping at Anwar Ibrahim)
After the March 08 GE, the Sultan of Perak dragged his feet in swearing in the PR State Government. Why is it that He is now so speedy in sacking the PR State Government, and equally speedy in swearing in the Barisan Najis government?
I am very flabbergasted! What has gone wrong with the highly respected Former Chief Justice? - sing lau, February 06, 2009 Malaysian Insider
You tell me ;-) but I have never placed my faith in royalty
The least the sultan could have suggested was for a vote of confidence taken at the assembly before he asked Mohd Nizar to resign and hand over power to BN.
However, the sultan was quite adamant on what he wanted – for Mohd Nizar to step down immediately, and a few hours later, he backed the appointment of Zambry as the new menteri besar.
Sultan Azlan Shah has overruled Mohd Nizar’s repeated request for the dissolution of the state assembly, which would pave the way for fresh state elections.
And by so doing, the sultan who was a former lord president and an eminent reader of the law, had caused a constitutional crisis in Perak - K Kabilan (Malaysiakini journalist)
see sing lau's comments above - HRH was noticeably a wee too eager to gert rid of Nizar and the PR state goivernment
He is the guardian of his people. He must listen to their wishes. He cannot make a decision which the majority of his subjects do not approve.
If we thought a constitutional crisis was looming yesterday, well it is with us today. Perak is facing a constitutional crisis and it is caused by its own sultan - Professor Abdul Aziz Bari (constitutional expert)
I don't like Prof AA Bari very much as he has been noted to be over-the-top pro-PKR but in this instant his remarks may be worth examining, as it seems to concord with Kabilan's.
Many, including the Bar Council have said that His Highness's decision not to dissolve the Perak legislative assembly although advised to do so by the menteri besar (Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin) is beyond question or in legal parlance non justiciable - Zaid Ibrahim (former Law Minister)
HRH has actually ignored his own written words in his book 'Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance in 2004' that 'no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977' ... and that ...
'Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal'
There are some interesting arguments in this blog.
Nasaruddin’s decision is critical and reflected the sentiments of his voters, namely the Malays in his constituency ... this reflected the demand of the public and ... as the beginning of a new wave - Anwar Ibrahim (when welcoming UMNO's Nasarudin Hashim's defection to PKR)
;-) that's the danger of sleeping around with frogs - they won't turn into Princes Charming, coz politics aren't fairy tales and besides, frogs having no loyalty nor morals, are more likely to shaft you (like they did their old side) as that's how they promote their own interests
Jumping in is okay but jumping out is not legal. Hee, hee, hee! - Dr Mahathir (sniping at Anwar Ibrahim)
After the March 08 GE, the Sultan of Perak dragged his feet in swearing in the PR State Government. Why is it that He is now so speedy in sacking the PR State Government, and equally speedy in swearing in the Barisan Najis government?
I am very flabbergasted! What has gone wrong with the highly respected Former Chief Justice? - sing lau, February 06, 2009 Malaysian Insider
You tell me ;-) but I have never placed my faith in royalty
The least the sultan could have suggested was for a vote of confidence taken at the assembly before he asked Mohd Nizar to resign and hand over power to BN.
However, the sultan was quite adamant on what he wanted – for Mohd Nizar to step down immediately, and a few hours later, he backed the appointment of Zambry as the new menteri besar.
Sultan Azlan Shah has overruled Mohd Nizar’s repeated request for the dissolution of the state assembly, which would pave the way for fresh state elections.
And by so doing, the sultan who was a former lord president and an eminent reader of the law, had caused a constitutional crisis in Perak - K Kabilan (Malaysiakini journalist)
see sing lau's comments above - HRH was noticeably a wee too eager to gert rid of Nizar and the PR state goivernment
He is the guardian of his people. He must listen to their wishes. He cannot make a decision which the majority of his subjects do not approve.
If we thought a constitutional crisis was looming yesterday, well it is with us today. Perak is facing a constitutional crisis and it is caused by its own sultan - Professor Abdul Aziz Bari (constitutional expert)
I don't like Prof AA Bari very much as he has been noted to be over-the-top pro-PKR but in this instant his remarks may be worth examining, as it seems to concord with Kabilan's.
Many, including the Bar Council have said that His Highness's decision not to dissolve the Perak legislative assembly although advised to do so by the menteri besar (Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin) is beyond question or in legal parlance non justiciable - Zaid Ibrahim (former Law Minister)
HRH has actually ignored his own written words in his book 'Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance in 2004' that 'no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977' ... and that ...
'Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal'
Anwar Ibrahim,
Tun Mahathir
A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today in Perak
According to Malaysiakini LIVE REPORTS as follows:
4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.
4.53pm: The police have taken over the state secretariat building. All Pakatan officials in the complex are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.
4.50pm: Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim said that they want to meet the sultan to convince him to dissolve the assembly.
4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the Pakatan leadership fully backed Mohd Nizar's government. He added that the menteri besar will not resign unless a special state assembly session was called or fresh elections held.
4.40pm: Mohd Nizar tells the press conference that he would not resign from his post as the menteri besar. He urged the people to back his Pakatan government.
slim majority in perak update 040209He also said that the assembly speaker had filed a suit on the validity of the resignation letters submitted by three former Pakatan state representatives and said that it was only wise to wait for the court to decide on the matter.
"The BN's majority may not be a valid one," he said.
4.15pm A source inside the Pakatan meeting at the MB's residence say that the atmosphere inside is sombre. Anwar is chairing the meeting, with everyone is being allowed to have a say.
4.14pm Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong's house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection.
4.10pm Roads leading to the state secretariat have been blocked by the police to stop people from gathering there.
4.05pm: State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar, all exco members and their aides to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices
3.25pm: It learnt that Mohd Nizar will announce his refusal to resign as requested by the sultan.
3.20pm All top Pakatan leaders are in a meeting at Mohd Nizar's official residence to chart their next course of action. A press conference is expected to be held soon. Notable absentees are Kedah MB Azizan Razak and Kelantan MB Niz Aziz Nik Mat.
About 30 supporters have gathered outside the residence. A big team of some 50 journalists are also waiting there.
perak constitution article 163pm: The office of the Sultan of Perak, in a statement, said that after meeting all the 28 BN assemblypersons and the three independents, the sultan was convinced that Mohd Nizar had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the state assembly members.
"If YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin does not resign his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council, the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are considered vacant," the statement said.
2.40pm: The five Indian state representatives in Perak - A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), V Sivakumar (DAP-Tronoh), Keshvinder Singh (DAP-Malim Nawar), S Kesavan (PKR-Hutan Melintang) and A Sivanesan (DAP-Sungkai) - held a press conference earlier today that they would remain loyal to Pakatan Rakyat.
Speaker Sivakumar said that various approaches were made to entice them to cross over to BN.
"We were offered money and high posts in party (MIC) and government but we rejected the advances of these people," he said.
2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer.
2.14pm: Tonight's 100,000 people gathering in support of the Pakatan government has been shifted to Stadium Ipoh from the menteri besar's official residence.
The police have issued warnings against those who take part in "illegal gatherings" in Ipoh.
anwar pkr perak bn takeover meeting 050209 022pm: Anwar arrives at Mohd Nizar's house. He is expected to hold a press conference together the menteri besar and Penang CM Lim Guan Eng at 3pm. PKR vice-president Azmin Ali is also there.
1.32pm: A PKR source says that the sultan had asked Mohd Nizar to step down as menteri besar to allow a smooth transistion of power at their brief meeting today but the latter had refused to do so.
1.30pm: Najib just ended his Perak Umno meeting and left the party's state headquarters without calling a press conference. It is learnt there was a discussion on who to be appointed as new menteri besar.
1.25pm: Najib is still at the Umno meeting. However, it is learnt that he will not be holding a press conference after the meeting.
1.05pm: Perak MB Mohd Nizar leaves the palace. He waved and smiled at reporters. He just said: "Good signs. Alhamdulliah." His meeting with the sultan lasted 15 minutes. He had entered the palace at 12.50pm.
Mohd Nizar will be holding a press conference along with Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leader Lim Guan Eng at 3pm.
4.58pm: A new BN government is expected to be sworn in today. Bernama reported that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the state BN representatives have arrived at Istana Kinta. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who is on an official visit to the state, is also expected to be present at the palace any time now.
4.53pm: The police have taken over the state secretariat building. All Pakatan officials in the complex are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.
4.50pm: Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim said that they want to meet the sultan to convince him to dissolve the assembly.
4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that the Pakatan leadership fully backed Mohd Nizar's government. He added that the menteri besar will not resign unless a special state assembly session was called or fresh elections held.
4.40pm: Mohd Nizar tells the press conference that he would not resign from his post as the menteri besar. He urged the people to back his Pakatan government.
slim majority in perak update 040209He also said that the assembly speaker had filed a suit on the validity of the resignation letters submitted by three former Pakatan state representatives and said that it was only wise to wait for the court to decide on the matter.
"The BN's majority may not be a valid one," he said.
4.15pm A source inside the Pakatan meeting at the MB's residence say that the atmosphere inside is sombre. Anwar is chairing the meeting, with everyone is being allowed to have a say.
4.14pm Unconfirmed reports state that former DAP state assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong's house in Ipoh and her service centre in Jelapang have been pelted with stones by people angry with her defection.
4.10pm Roads leading to the state secretariat have been blocked by the police to stop people from gathering there.
4.05pm: State secretary Abdul Rahman Hashim instructs Menteri Besar Mohd Nizar, all exco members and their aides to vacate their offices at the state secretariat as soon as possible. They have been reminded not to take any official documents with them. They were also told to hand in their official car keys as well as the keys to their offices
3.25pm: It learnt that Mohd Nizar will announce his refusal to resign as requested by the sultan.
3.20pm All top Pakatan leaders are in a meeting at Mohd Nizar's official residence to chart their next course of action. A press conference is expected to be held soon. Notable absentees are Kedah MB Azizan Razak and Kelantan MB Niz Aziz Nik Mat.
About 30 supporters have gathered outside the residence. A big team of some 50 journalists are also waiting there.
perak constitution article 163pm: The office of the Sultan of Perak, in a statement, said that after meeting all the 28 BN assemblypersons and the three independents, the sultan was convinced that Mohd Nizar had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the state assembly members.
"If YAB Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin does not resign his post as Perak menteri besar together with the members of the state executive council, the posts of menteri besar and state executive councillors are considered vacant," the statement said.
2.40pm: The five Indian state representatives in Perak - A Sivasubramaniam (DAP-Buntong), V Sivakumar (DAP-Tronoh), Keshvinder Singh (DAP-Malim Nawar), S Kesavan (PKR-Hutan Melintang) and A Sivanesan (DAP-Sungkai) - held a press conference earlier today that they would remain loyal to Pakatan Rakyat.
Speaker Sivakumar said that various approaches were made to entice them to cross over to BN.
"We were offered money and high posts in party (MIC) and government but we rejected the advances of these people," he said.
2.27pm: Bernama reports that the Sultan of Perak has rejected the request by Mohd Nizar for the dissolution of the state assembly. The report also said that the sultan has asked Mohd Nizar to step down to pave the way for a power transfer.
2.14pm: Tonight's 100,000 people gathering in support of the Pakatan government has been shifted to Stadium Ipoh from the menteri besar's official residence.
The police have issued warnings against those who take part in "illegal gatherings" in Ipoh.
anwar pkr perak bn takeover meeting 050209 022pm: Anwar arrives at Mohd Nizar's house. He is expected to hold a press conference together the menteri besar and Penang CM Lim Guan Eng at 3pm. PKR vice-president Azmin Ali is also there.
1.32pm: A PKR source says that the sultan had asked Mohd Nizar to step down as menteri besar to allow a smooth transistion of power at their brief meeting today but the latter had refused to do so.
1.30pm: Najib just ended his Perak Umno meeting and left the party's state headquarters without calling a press conference. It is learnt there was a discussion on who to be appointed as new menteri besar.
1.25pm: Najib is still at the Umno meeting. However, it is learnt that he will not be holding a press conference after the meeting.
1.05pm: Perak MB Mohd Nizar leaves the palace. He waved and smiled at reporters. He just said: "Good signs. Alhamdulliah." His meeting with the sultan lasted 15 minutes. He had entered the palace at 12.50pm.
Mohd Nizar will be holding a press conference along with Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leader Lim Guan Eng at 3pm.
Sultan does not consent to the dissolution of Perak state assembly
(2.25pm): Sultan Azlan Shah does not consent to dissolution of state assembly and asks Nizar to resign as Perak Mentri Besar, reports Bernama quoting a statement from the Sultan's office. If Nizar fails to do so, the post would be considered as vacant.
(1:10pm) MB Nizar, looking cheerful, just left Istana Kinta and said that Anwar will give a press conference at 3pm at his residence
(12:30pm) IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan warns of stern action against Pakatan Rakyat supporters who take part in illegal gatherings in Ipoh
(11:56am) Najib told reporters that he has informed Sultan Azlan Shah that Barisan has the majority to form the Perak state government. He said the Ruler will announce his decision soon.
(1:10pm) MB Nizar, looking cheerful, just left Istana Kinta and said that Anwar will give a press conference at 3pm at his residence
(12:30pm) IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan warns of stern action against Pakatan Rakyat supporters who take part in illegal gatherings in Ipoh
(11:56am) Najib told reporters that he has informed Sultan Azlan Shah that Barisan has the majority to form the Perak state government. He said the Ruler will announce his decision soon.
Perak political drama
Lim Kit Siang:Najib should stop illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak
Lim Kit Siang of DAP said that Najib should stop illegal and unconstitutional power grab in Perak
The Prime Minister-in-waiting, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who has taken over as Perak UMNO and Barisan Nasional leader, should stop the attempt at the illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak and respect the constitutional process and the mandate of the people of Perak.
The Perak Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin yesterday had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah to seek the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and to hold state election, as returning the mandate to the voters is the most honourable and democratic manner to resolve the political crisis in Perak.
In his book “Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance” (2004), the former Lord President wrote:
“Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal.”
He also pointed out that no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977.
While the Sultan’s decision on the Mentri Besar’s request for dissolution of the Perak State Assembly is awaited, it is most improper and unconstitutional for Najib to attempt an illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak state to frustrate the will and wishes of the people of Perak in the March general election last year.
This is because the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Perak continues as a legitimate, effective and functioning one, even if the Mentri Besar’s request for dissolution of the State Assembly is denied by the Sultan, and it is premature for Najib to talk about forming a new Barisan Nasional state government in Perak.
Article 16(6) of the Perak State Constitution provides for the dissolution of the State Assembly with the consent of the Sultan or the mentri besar’s resignation if the mentri besar ceases to enjoy the confidence of the majority of the state assembly.
However, the determination of whether the Mentri Besar has lost the confidence of the majority of the state assembly could only be done by a vote of no confidence in the State Assembly, and not by a claim by Najib outside the State Assembly, especially when it is based on dubious and highly disputable grounds.
This is because Najib’s claim that the Barisan Nasional has the necessary numbers in the State Assembly to form the government has still to be proved by way of a motion in the State Assembly.
Although Najib has engineered the defection of three Pakatan Rakyat state assembly persons, the Speaker of the Perak State Assembly had declared their seats vacant and their claims to continue as State Assembly representatives are not recognised by the Speaker in the Assembly.
Excluding the three defectors, there is at most a 28-28 tie between the Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional in the Perak State Assembly.
Until the Barisan Nasional can succeed in getting a vote of no confidence passed in the State Assembly, the Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar and state government should not be hindered from carrying out their tasks as the legitimate, effective and functioning state government.
I call on Najib to cease and desist from any attempt at illegal and unconstitutional grab of power in Perak State government in utter disregard of the constitutional process and the mandate of the people of Perak as this will be a very ominous start for the Najib premiership which is to begin next month when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
The Prime Minister-in-waiting, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who has taken over as Perak UMNO and Barisan Nasional leader, should stop the attempt at the illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak and respect the constitutional process and the mandate of the people of Perak.
The Perak Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin yesterday had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah to seek the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and to hold state election, as returning the mandate to the voters is the most honourable and democratic manner to resolve the political crisis in Perak.
In his book “Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance” (2004), the former Lord President wrote:
“Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal.”
He also pointed out that no sultan or agung had withheld consent to dissolve legislative body, except in Kelantan in 1977.
While the Sultan’s decision on the Mentri Besar’s request for dissolution of the Perak State Assembly is awaited, it is most improper and unconstitutional for Najib to attempt an illegal and unconstitutional grab for power in Perak state to frustrate the will and wishes of the people of Perak in the March general election last year.
This is because the Pakatan Rakyat state government in Perak continues as a legitimate, effective and functioning one, even if the Mentri Besar’s request for dissolution of the State Assembly is denied by the Sultan, and it is premature for Najib to talk about forming a new Barisan Nasional state government in Perak.
Article 16(6) of the Perak State Constitution provides for the dissolution of the State Assembly with the consent of the Sultan or the mentri besar’s resignation if the mentri besar ceases to enjoy the confidence of the majority of the state assembly.
However, the determination of whether the Mentri Besar has lost the confidence of the majority of the state assembly could only be done by a vote of no confidence in the State Assembly, and not by a claim by Najib outside the State Assembly, especially when it is based on dubious and highly disputable grounds.
This is because Najib’s claim that the Barisan Nasional has the necessary numbers in the State Assembly to form the government has still to be proved by way of a motion in the State Assembly.
Although Najib has engineered the defection of three Pakatan Rakyat state assembly persons, the Speaker of the Perak State Assembly had declared their seats vacant and their claims to continue as State Assembly representatives are not recognised by the Speaker in the Assembly.
Excluding the three defectors, there is at most a 28-28 tie between the Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional in the Perak State Assembly.
Until the Barisan Nasional can succeed in getting a vote of no confidence passed in the State Assembly, the Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar and state government should not be hindered from carrying out their tasks as the legitimate, effective and functioning state government.
I call on Najib to cease and desist from any attempt at illegal and unconstitutional grab of power in Perak State government in utter disregard of the constitutional process and the mandate of the people of Perak as this will be a very ominous start for the Najib premiership which is to begin next month when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down as the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
unconstitutional power grab
BN looks set to form new Perak State government
According to The Star reports:
Newsflash (11:55am) Perak speaker V. Sivakumar has just left the High Court after applying to the court to declare the resignation letters of the three assembymen as valid and, therefore, their seats vacant.
Newsflash (11:50am) PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be at Perak Mentri Besar’s office at 3pm and a mammoth gathering is planned for 7pm at the MB’s residence.
Newsflash (11:38am) Perak Mentri Besar Nizar told reporters in Bagan Serai that he has just been summoned to Istana Kinta
Newsflash (11:34am)Najib has left Istana Kinta with the four assemblymen
Newsflash (11:21am) Najib returned to Istana Kinta, this time with four former Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang),Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering), Jelapang Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) and Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim (Bota) to meet the Sultan of Perak.
Newsflash (10:35am) Perak Umno state chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi leave Istana Kinta. Najib is expected to chair the state liaison committee meeting to discuss the Barisan candidate for the Perak Mentri Besar's post.
Newsflash (9:50am) Deputy Prime Minister and Perak Umno chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and state Umno deputy chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datoh MP) enter Istana Kinta to seek Sultan Azlan Shah’s consent for Barisan to form the new Perak government.
Newsflash (9:00am) Speaker V. Sivakumar told reporters that he will ask the High Court on Thursday to declare as valid the undated letters of resignation by the three Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen - PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) and DAP’s Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) - who resigned from their respective parties to become Independents who have pledged to support Barisan Nasional.
Najib, Zahid meet Sultan Azlan Shah
IPOH: As Perak Umno chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datoh) sought Sultan Azlan Shah’s consent to form the next Perak government on Thursday, Pakatan’s state assembly speaker V. Sivakumar turned to the High Court to seek a declaration that the undated letters of resignation of three assemblymen, who declared themselves independent, were valid.
With the return of Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim to Umno, Barisan now has 28 seats in the state assembly. PKR’s seats in the assembly was reduced to 28 after Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and DAP’s Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) declared themselves Independent and threw their support behind Barisan.
Newsflash (11:55am) Perak speaker V. Sivakumar has just left the High Court after applying to the court to declare the resignation letters of the three assembymen as valid and, therefore, their seats vacant.
Newsflash (11:50am) PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be at Perak Mentri Besar’s office at 3pm and a mammoth gathering is planned for 7pm at the MB’s residence.
Newsflash (11:38am) Perak Mentri Besar Nizar told reporters in Bagan Serai that he has just been summoned to Istana Kinta
Newsflash (11:34am)Najib has left Istana Kinta with the four assemblymen
Newsflash (11:21am) Najib returned to Istana Kinta, this time with four former Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang),Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering), Jelapang Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) and Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim (Bota) to meet the Sultan of Perak.
Newsflash (10:35am) Perak Umno state chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi leave Istana Kinta. Najib is expected to chair the state liaison committee meeting to discuss the Barisan candidate for the Perak Mentri Besar's post.
Newsflash (9:50am) Deputy Prime Minister and Perak Umno chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and state Umno deputy chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datoh MP) enter Istana Kinta to seek Sultan Azlan Shah’s consent for Barisan to form the new Perak government.
Newsflash (9:00am) Speaker V. Sivakumar told reporters that he will ask the High Court on Thursday to declare as valid the undated letters of resignation by the three Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen - PKR’s Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Jailu (Changkat Jering) and DAP’s Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) - who resigned from their respective parties to become Independents who have pledged to support Barisan Nasional.
Najib, Zahid meet Sultan Azlan Shah
IPOH: As Perak Umno chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datoh) sought Sultan Azlan Shah’s consent to form the next Perak government on Thursday, Pakatan’s state assembly speaker V. Sivakumar turned to the High Court to seek a declaration that the undated letters of resignation of three assemblymen, who declared themselves independent, were valid.
With the return of Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim to Umno, Barisan now has 28 seats in the state assembly. PKR’s seats in the assembly was reduced to 28 after Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and DAP’s Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang) declared themselves Independent and threw their support behind Barisan.
Perak political drama
Latest developent in Perak
4/2 Perak MB left Istana Kinta at 5.45pm and told reporters that it was up to
the Sultan Azlan Shah to choose to dissolve the state Assembly or not.
BN now has got the majority. Would the Sultan give consent to the dissolution of the Perak state assembly?
Then, there are people argued that it is the government of the day that has the say. Since the Perak MB Mohd Nizar has sought the audience with the Sultan at 4pm to get the consent to dissolve Perak government, it is likely that the consent will be given.
Watch out for the latest development in Perak. Very exciting political show.
the Sultan Azlan Shah to choose to dissolve the state Assembly or not.
BN now has got the majority. Would the Sultan give consent to the dissolution of the Perak state assembly?
Then, there are people argued that it is the government of the day that has the say. Since the Perak MB Mohd Nizar has sought the audience with the Sultan at 4pm to get the consent to dissolve Perak government, it is likely that the consent will be given.
Watch out for the latest development in Perak. Very exciting political show.
political show
BN commands the majority to form the state government in Perak?
The Star newspaper has the following reports:
Newsflash (5:15pm): Barisan Nasional now commands the majority to form the state government in Perak with the return of Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim and the support of three independents -- Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, DAP’s Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Najib said he would be seeking an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah in a day or two to inform him of Barisan's ability to form the new state government.
Newsflash (4:50pm): Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is still in audience with Sultan Azlan Shah to seek his consent to dissolve the state assembly. He was seen entering Istana Kinta at 3:50pm.
Newsflash (4:30pm): Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, DAP's Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong and Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim spotted at the office of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
IPOH: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said that he will seek consent from Sultan Azlan Shah by 5pm Wednesday to dissolve the state assembly due to increasing uncertainty in the state.
Perak assemblymen Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering)have quit PKR and Jamaluddin said on Wednesday that they were on the way to Putrajaya to join Umno.
Speculation is also rife that DAP’s Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong has defected or at least quit the party.
In the March 8 national polls, PKR won Perak with 32 seats against 27 Barisan seats.
On Tuesday, Nizar had reiterated that he would not be calling for state elections given the political developments of the past week but was prepared for any by-election.
He had said the Pakatan Rakyat government was “very stable” at the moment.
“Despite what has been happening the past week, we are very stable. There is no likelihood of the state legislative assembly being dissolved.
“In fact, we are getting sympathy and support from the people over what is happening.
“Should there be by-elections, not just involving Behrang and Changkat Jering, we are confident of winning the seats,” he had said.
In a The Star SMS poll that ran from Monday to Tuesday, 77.1% of 192 respondents said the best way to resolve the Perak situation would be to dissolve the state government and call for fresh elections.
Hee's service centre in Jelapang has been closed for the Chinese New Year festivities. Attempts to reach her on the handphone or at her house proved futile.
Hee was “missing in action” last Sunday as well, which fuelled rumours of her defection. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng even came out with a statement stating that any Perak DAP elected representative who was incommunicado for more than 24 hours without reason would find their seats vacated.
At a press conference Sunday night at her residence in Ipoh, Hee hit out at Lim saying she was disappointed by his press statement, adding that he should have investigated first before releasing the press statement.
She quashed claims that she had resigned from Pakatan and joined MCA or Gerakan, saying she was still a DAP member and Jelapang’s elected representative.
“I have never had any intention of leaving the party and would feel very heavy-hearted if I did,” said Hee, who has been with the party for almost 22 years.
On Wednesday, Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham said he had not received any resignation letter from Hee.
Newsflash (5:15pm): Barisan Nasional now commands the majority to form the state government in Perak with the return of Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim and the support of three independents -- Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, DAP’s Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Najib said he would be seeking an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah in a day or two to inform him of Barisan's ability to form the new state government.
Newsflash (4:50pm): Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is still in audience with Sultan Azlan Shah to seek his consent to dissolve the state assembly. He was seen entering Istana Kinta at 3:50pm.
Newsflash (4:30pm): Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, DAP's Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong and Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim spotted at the office of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
IPOH: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said that he will seek consent from Sultan Azlan Shah by 5pm Wednesday to dissolve the state assembly due to increasing uncertainty in the state.
Perak assemblymen Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang) and Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering)have quit PKR and Jamaluddin said on Wednesday that they were on the way to Putrajaya to join Umno.
Speculation is also rife that DAP’s Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong has defected or at least quit the party.
In the March 8 national polls, PKR won Perak with 32 seats against 27 Barisan seats.
On Tuesday, Nizar had reiterated that he would not be calling for state elections given the political developments of the past week but was prepared for any by-election.
He had said the Pakatan Rakyat government was “very stable” at the moment.
“Despite what has been happening the past week, we are very stable. There is no likelihood of the state legislative assembly being dissolved.
“In fact, we are getting sympathy and support from the people over what is happening.
“Should there be by-elections, not just involving Behrang and Changkat Jering, we are confident of winning the seats,” he had said.
In a The Star SMS poll that ran from Monday to Tuesday, 77.1% of 192 respondents said the best way to resolve the Perak situation would be to dissolve the state government and call for fresh elections.
Hee's service centre in Jelapang has been closed for the Chinese New Year festivities. Attempts to reach her on the handphone or at her house proved futile.
Hee was “missing in action” last Sunday as well, which fuelled rumours of her defection. DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng even came out with a statement stating that any Perak DAP elected representative who was incommunicado for more than 24 hours without reason would find their seats vacated.
At a press conference Sunday night at her residence in Ipoh, Hee hit out at Lim saying she was disappointed by his press statement, adding that he should have investigated first before releasing the press statement.
She quashed claims that she had resigned from Pakatan and joined MCA or Gerakan, saying she was still a DAP member and Jelapang’s elected representative.
“I have never had any intention of leaving the party and would feel very heavy-hearted if I did,” said Hee, who has been with the party for almost 22 years.
On Wednesday, Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham said he had not received any resignation letter from Hee.
Election or new state government
News in brief
4/2 U.N. says cluster bombs hit last functioning hospital in Sri Lanka northern war zone; President Mahinda says Tamil tigers nearly crushed.
4/2 Nymex spot crude oil prices up 27c to US¿41.05 in Asian electronic trading at 11.45am as nationwide strike at US energy facilities averted.
4/2 Britain, US urge temporary ceasefire in Sri Lanka to evacuate casualties and allow relief into conflict zone as the army battles Tamil tigers.
3/2 Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi has quit PKR, says he will remain an independent.
3/2 BCHB chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said loan growth to moderate to 7% this year compared to the mid-teens level achieved last year.
3/2 No byelections in Perak as the 2 assemblymen had written to the Speaker, copied to the EC, saying their resignation was not valid: EC chairman.
3/2 ISA detainee P. Uthayakumar sedition trial postponed to April 28 after he got a court order to refer him to hospital for diabetes.
3/2 PM Abdullah Badawi wants fast renewal and extension of govt contracts so that development projects are not delayed.
2/2 Selangor CPO Khalid Abu Bakar to be questioned over Kapar MP Manickavasagam report on Kugan mortuary incident: Sepang OCPD Zahidi.
2/2 Artillery hits children and womens wings of Sri Lankan hospital killing at least 9, military and Tamil Tiger rebels both deny responsibility.
2/2 Perak MB Mohammad Nizar was at Istana Kinta at 10am for an audience with the Sultan, left at 10:25am without speaking to the media
2/2 Perak reps Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Osman Mohd Jailu to hold press conferences in KL and Shah Alam this evening to announce their stand.
2/2 Schoolbus plunges into river near Penang state mosque at Ayer Hitam; driver killed, 23 Chung Hwa Confucian students get outpatient treatment.
2/2 Changkat Jering rep Mohd Osman does not turn up for his press conference either; his agent also reads a statement saying he has not quit PKR.
2/2 AirAsia's Datuk Tony Fernandes says the budget airline will add 6 new China destinations bringing total to 13.
2/2 Behrang rep Jamaluddin Mat Radzi does not turn up for his own press conference; representative reads out statement saying he has not quit PKR.
1/2 Aussie Open Tennis: Rafael Nadal beats Roger Federer in 5-set marathon to stop him from equalling Pete Sampras record of 14 Grand Slam wins.
1/2 Behrang rep Jamaluddin Mat Radzi denies resigning; said quit letter given to speaker was undated one he was made to sign last March.
1/2 Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Mohd Osman Jailu of PKR have quit as assemblymen, by-election within 60 days: Perak speaker Sivakumar.
1/2 If any Perak DAP assemblyman cannot be contacted for 24hrs, party will take it he intends to quit his post: DAP sec-gen Lim Guan Eng.
1/2 At least 7 people killed and 100 hurt when man lobs grenade into busy Buddhist temple compound in northeast Thailand.
1/2 Perak MB confirms state and family members unable to locate two PKR exco members missing last five days; to lodge missing persons report.
20/1 Actor Norman Hakim and starlet Memey plead not guilty at KL Syariah Lower Court to committing khalwat last year.
20/1 Cabinet has agreed that there is no need for a Race Relations Act: Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Shafie Apdal
20/1 Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission to charge a Perak Umno division deputy chief and 2 members on Thurs for bribing during division election.
20/1 Smart Highway to be closed to traffic from 11pm Wednesday until 6am Thursday to facilitate monthly testing of motorway tunnel systems.
21/1 Israel says all its troops have withdrawn from Gaza but remain at the border prepared to act if Hamas renews rocket attacks.
21/1 KL International Motorshow, scheduled for May 29 to June 7, postponed to later date due to global economic crisis, says trade body.
21/1 Ex Semenyih assemblyman Ahamad Kuris Mohd Nor pleaded not guilty to 3 corruption charges totaling RM195,000 in Sessions court; posted bail
22/1 Cops to record statement of 2 deputy ministers over morgue incident where body of detainee A. Kugan was tampered with: DCP Khalid.
22/1 Post-mortem of suspected car thief A. Kugan who died in police custody shows he had liquid in his lungs: Selangor police chief DCP Khalid.
22/1 Govt exempts textile, electronics and electrical sector employers from paying human resources development levy for 6mths effective Feb 1.
22/1 Beruas Umno vice-chief Azman Noh and Alor Gajah member Johari Ibrahim claim trial separately to giving bribes in division polls last year.
22/1 One of the 21 men charged in China over the melamine-contaminated milk scandal has been sentenced to death, according to state media reports.
23/1 S&P lowers corporate rating on Titan Chemicals to BB- from BB due to weakening operating performance, remains on Creditwatch Negative.
23/1 Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail: Death of police detainee A. Kugan has been classified as murder.
23/1 21 people, including MP, 2 state reps and priest, among 21 charged in court with participating in illegal assembly and failing to disperse.
23/1 Federal Court reaffirms Ding Kuong Hiing (BN) as Sarikei MP, throws out appeal by Wong Hua Seh (DAP) against earlier Election Court decision.
23/1 Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard hearing: Denies assault charges in nightclub brawl, to plead not guilty when case goes to trial March 20.
24/1 Five NS camps in 5 states have been closed indefinitely for health and safety reasons: NS Training Dept D-G Abdul Hadi
4/1 Investigation reveals that fire in Santika nightclub in Bangkok on New Years Day that killed 65 revellers was caused by fireworks: Thai police.
24/1 Former MIC vice-president Muthupalaniappan has been expelled from party, he can appeal within 2wks: Discipline committee chairman Vadiveloo.
24/1 All US-made peanut butter placed on Level 5 alert following salmonella threat in America which has killed several people: Health Minister Liow.
24/1 Candidates under investigation for corruption can still contest in Umno polls under party rules, only ineligible when they are charged: Najib.
25/1 Bota assemblyman Nasarudin Hashim quits Umno to join PKR; Pakatan now has 32 state seats in Perak versus 27 for BN.
25/1 UM Medical Centre began second autopsy on A. Kugan, who died in police custody, at noon; procedure expected to take up to 11hrs
25/1 National laureate Muhammad Dahlan Abdul Baing, aka Arena Wati, died today of lung cancer and was buried at 3pm; he was 84.
25/1 Sri Lankan troops fight their way into Mullaittivu, the last stronghold held by Tamil Tiger rebels, say reports quoting military sources.
26/1 Two-seater aircraft with at least 2 people on board missing since taking off from Senai airport in Johor this morning, search and rescue on.
26/1 Sri Lankan troops take last Tamil Tiger base, govt says decades-long insurgency almost over, but rebel leader Prabhakaran still free.
26/1 DPM Najib and BN leaders join thousands of Malaysians at MCA Chinese New Year Open House at Wisma MCA in KL.
26/1 Found: Crashed Cessna plane that went missing in Johor this morning, rescuers trying to save trapped pilot, confirm he was only one on board.
26/1 Police will submit investigation papers on death of A. Kugan to Attorney-Generals Chambers on Wednesday: Selangor police chief DCP Khalid.
27/1 Israel closes its borders to humanitarian aid traffic into Gaza, promises response to attack that killed a soldier but does not elaborate.
27/1 Unidentified Palestinian militants kill an Israeli soldier in bomb attack, endangering Gaza truce; Israel has yet to respond.
27/1 Iceland govt toppled amid financial mess after banks collapsed under debts amassed during years of rapid expansion, says AP report.
27/1 Shareholders file suit against Spider-Man creator Stan Lee and his company, seeking USD750mil in profits from films based on Marvel characters.
7/1 The pilot on board a Cessna aircraft that crashed in Gunung Pulai in Johor on Monday morning has been rescued and is recovering in hospital.
28/1 Five men arrested at UMMC mortuary before Kugan funeral procession finally leaves at about 1:45pm.
28/1 Pulitzer Prize-winning US novelist John Updike, who chronicled sex, love and religion in small-town America, died Tuesday at age 76.
28/1 Cops detain two men who tried to breach barricade at UMMC mortuary as family prepares for Kugan funeral procession.
28/1 Umno discipline committee chairman Tengku Rithauddeen suggests Youth, Wanita, Puteri and Putera wings be abolished to help curb money politics.
28/1 Police arrested a murder suspect at Kugan funeral procession, says IGP Musa Hassan; unsure if he is one of the five nabbed earlier.
29/1 MIC's CWC has nullified the party disciplinary committee's decision to expel former vice-president M. Muthuppalaniappan.
29/1 MAS slashes fuel surcharges on international flights by as much as 73pc effective tomorrow.
29/1 MAS cuts fuel surcharges on international flights by as much as 73%. From Friday, will remove fuel surcharge on Singapore, Brunei flights.
29/1 Proposal to scrap Umno Putera and Puteri wings too drastic a measure, strengthening enforcement better way to curb money politics: Najib.
29/1 Malaysian Archaeological Research Centre at USM says has found artefacts that suggest human existence in Bkt Bunuh in Perak 1.8mil years ago.
30/1 From Jan 18-25, 1,310 dengue cases with five deaths and 136 chikungunya cases reported nationwide: Health D-G Ismail Merican.
30/1 Amy of rock band Search manages to strike out neglience suit filed by 3yr-old boy after he was scalded by soup at a restaurant owned by Amy.
30/1 Illinois Governor Blagojevich, who tried to sell Senate seat of President Obama, sacked by state legislators on criminal corruption charges.
31/1 Thousands of supporters of ousted Thai PM Thaksin take to Bangkok streets to call for Parliament to dissolve and hold snap elections.
31/1 US govt opens criminal investigation into peanut-processing plant at centre of salmonella outbreak, Justice Dept and FDA to lead probe.
4/2 Nymex spot crude oil prices up 27c to US¿41.05 in Asian electronic trading at 11.45am as nationwide strike at US energy facilities averted.
4/2 Britain, US urge temporary ceasefire in Sri Lanka to evacuate casualties and allow relief into conflict zone as the army battles Tamil tigers.
3/2 Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi has quit PKR, says he will remain an independent.
3/2 BCHB chief executive Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said loan growth to moderate to 7% this year compared to the mid-teens level achieved last year.
3/2 No byelections in Perak as the 2 assemblymen had written to the Speaker, copied to the EC, saying their resignation was not valid: EC chairman.
3/2 ISA detainee P. Uthayakumar sedition trial postponed to April 28 after he got a court order to refer him to hospital for diabetes.
3/2 PM Abdullah Badawi wants fast renewal and extension of govt contracts so that development projects are not delayed.
2/2 Selangor CPO Khalid Abu Bakar to be questioned over Kapar MP Manickavasagam report on Kugan mortuary incident: Sepang OCPD Zahidi.
2/2 Artillery hits children and womens wings of Sri Lankan hospital killing at least 9, military and Tamil Tiger rebels both deny responsibility.
2/2 Perak MB Mohammad Nizar was at Istana Kinta at 10am for an audience with the Sultan, left at 10:25am without speaking to the media
2/2 Perak reps Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Osman Mohd Jailu to hold press conferences in KL and Shah Alam this evening to announce their stand.
2/2 Schoolbus plunges into river near Penang state mosque at Ayer Hitam; driver killed, 23 Chung Hwa Confucian students get outpatient treatment.
2/2 Changkat Jering rep Mohd Osman does not turn up for his press conference either; his agent also reads a statement saying he has not quit PKR.
2/2 AirAsia's Datuk Tony Fernandes says the budget airline will add 6 new China destinations bringing total to 13.
2/2 Behrang rep Jamaluddin Mat Radzi does not turn up for his own press conference; representative reads out statement saying he has not quit PKR.
1/2 Aussie Open Tennis: Rafael Nadal beats Roger Federer in 5-set marathon to stop him from equalling Pete Sampras record of 14 Grand Slam wins.
1/2 Behrang rep Jamaluddin Mat Radzi denies resigning; said quit letter given to speaker was undated one he was made to sign last March.
1/2 Jamaluddin Mat Radzi and Mohd Osman Jailu of PKR have quit as assemblymen, by-election within 60 days: Perak speaker Sivakumar.
1/2 If any Perak DAP assemblyman cannot be contacted for 24hrs, party will take it he intends to quit his post: DAP sec-gen Lim Guan Eng.
1/2 At least 7 people killed and 100 hurt when man lobs grenade into busy Buddhist temple compound in northeast Thailand.
1/2 Perak MB confirms state and family members unable to locate two PKR exco members missing last five days; to lodge missing persons report.
20/1 Actor Norman Hakim and starlet Memey plead not guilty at KL Syariah Lower Court to committing khalwat last year.
20/1 Cabinet has agreed that there is no need for a Race Relations Act: Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Shafie Apdal
20/1 Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission to charge a Perak Umno division deputy chief and 2 members on Thurs for bribing during division election.
20/1 Smart Highway to be closed to traffic from 11pm Wednesday until 6am Thursday to facilitate monthly testing of motorway tunnel systems.
21/1 Israel says all its troops have withdrawn from Gaza but remain at the border prepared to act if Hamas renews rocket attacks.
21/1 KL International Motorshow, scheduled for May 29 to June 7, postponed to later date due to global economic crisis, says trade body.
21/1 Ex Semenyih assemblyman Ahamad Kuris Mohd Nor pleaded not guilty to 3 corruption charges totaling RM195,000 in Sessions court; posted bail
22/1 Cops to record statement of 2 deputy ministers over morgue incident where body of detainee A. Kugan was tampered with: DCP Khalid.
22/1 Post-mortem of suspected car thief A. Kugan who died in police custody shows he had liquid in his lungs: Selangor police chief DCP Khalid.
22/1 Govt exempts textile, electronics and electrical sector employers from paying human resources development levy for 6mths effective Feb 1.
22/1 Beruas Umno vice-chief Azman Noh and Alor Gajah member Johari Ibrahim claim trial separately to giving bribes in division polls last year.
22/1 One of the 21 men charged in China over the melamine-contaminated milk scandal has been sentenced to death, according to state media reports.
23/1 S&P lowers corporate rating on Titan Chemicals to BB- from BB due to weakening operating performance, remains on Creditwatch Negative.
23/1 Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail: Death of police detainee A. Kugan has been classified as murder.
23/1 21 people, including MP, 2 state reps and priest, among 21 charged in court with participating in illegal assembly and failing to disperse.
23/1 Federal Court reaffirms Ding Kuong Hiing (BN) as Sarikei MP, throws out appeal by Wong Hua Seh (DAP) against earlier Election Court decision.
23/1 Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard hearing: Denies assault charges in nightclub brawl, to plead not guilty when case goes to trial March 20.
24/1 Five NS camps in 5 states have been closed indefinitely for health and safety reasons: NS Training Dept D-G Abdul Hadi
4/1 Investigation reveals that fire in Santika nightclub in Bangkok on New Years Day that killed 65 revellers was caused by fireworks: Thai police.
24/1 Former MIC vice-president Muthupalaniappan has been expelled from party, he can appeal within 2wks: Discipline committee chairman Vadiveloo.
24/1 All US-made peanut butter placed on Level 5 alert following salmonella threat in America which has killed several people: Health Minister Liow.
24/1 Candidates under investigation for corruption can still contest in Umno polls under party rules, only ineligible when they are charged: Najib.
25/1 Bota assemblyman Nasarudin Hashim quits Umno to join PKR; Pakatan now has 32 state seats in Perak versus 27 for BN.
25/1 UM Medical Centre began second autopsy on A. Kugan, who died in police custody, at noon; procedure expected to take up to 11hrs
25/1 National laureate Muhammad Dahlan Abdul Baing, aka Arena Wati, died today of lung cancer and was buried at 3pm; he was 84.
25/1 Sri Lankan troops fight their way into Mullaittivu, the last stronghold held by Tamil Tiger rebels, say reports quoting military sources.
26/1 Two-seater aircraft with at least 2 people on board missing since taking off from Senai airport in Johor this morning, search and rescue on.
26/1 Sri Lankan troops take last Tamil Tiger base, govt says decades-long insurgency almost over, but rebel leader Prabhakaran still free.
26/1 DPM Najib and BN leaders join thousands of Malaysians at MCA Chinese New Year Open House at Wisma MCA in KL.
26/1 Found: Crashed Cessna plane that went missing in Johor this morning, rescuers trying to save trapped pilot, confirm he was only one on board.
26/1 Police will submit investigation papers on death of A. Kugan to Attorney-Generals Chambers on Wednesday: Selangor police chief DCP Khalid.
27/1 Israel closes its borders to humanitarian aid traffic into Gaza, promises response to attack that killed a soldier but does not elaborate.
27/1 Unidentified Palestinian militants kill an Israeli soldier in bomb attack, endangering Gaza truce; Israel has yet to respond.
27/1 Iceland govt toppled amid financial mess after banks collapsed under debts amassed during years of rapid expansion, says AP report.
27/1 Shareholders file suit against Spider-Man creator Stan Lee and his company, seeking USD750mil in profits from films based on Marvel characters.
7/1 The pilot on board a Cessna aircraft that crashed in Gunung Pulai in Johor on Monday morning has been rescued and is recovering in hospital.
28/1 Five men arrested at UMMC mortuary before Kugan funeral procession finally leaves at about 1:45pm.
28/1 Pulitzer Prize-winning US novelist John Updike, who chronicled sex, love and religion in small-town America, died Tuesday at age 76.
28/1 Cops detain two men who tried to breach barricade at UMMC mortuary as family prepares for Kugan funeral procession.
28/1 Umno discipline committee chairman Tengku Rithauddeen suggests Youth, Wanita, Puteri and Putera wings be abolished to help curb money politics.
28/1 Police arrested a murder suspect at Kugan funeral procession, says IGP Musa Hassan; unsure if he is one of the five nabbed earlier.
29/1 MIC's CWC has nullified the party disciplinary committee's decision to expel former vice-president M. Muthuppalaniappan.
29/1 MAS slashes fuel surcharges on international flights by as much as 73pc effective tomorrow.
29/1 MAS cuts fuel surcharges on international flights by as much as 73%. From Friday, will remove fuel surcharge on Singapore, Brunei flights.
29/1 Proposal to scrap Umno Putera and Puteri wings too drastic a measure, strengthening enforcement better way to curb money politics: Najib.
29/1 Malaysian Archaeological Research Centre at USM says has found artefacts that suggest human existence in Bkt Bunuh in Perak 1.8mil years ago.
30/1 From Jan 18-25, 1,310 dengue cases with five deaths and 136 chikungunya cases reported nationwide: Health D-G Ismail Merican.
30/1 Amy of rock band Search manages to strike out neglience suit filed by 3yr-old boy after he was scalded by soup at a restaurant owned by Amy.
30/1 Illinois Governor Blagojevich, who tried to sell Senate seat of President Obama, sacked by state legislators on criminal corruption charges.
31/1 Thousands of supporters of ousted Thai PM Thaksin take to Bangkok streets to call for Parliament to dissolve and hold snap elections.
31/1 US govt opens criminal investigation into peanut-processing plant at centre of salmonella outbreak, Justice Dept and FDA to lead probe.
News in brief
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