

Government will not apologise for 1988 judiciary

PM Abdullah says that the government will not apologise for the 1988 judiciary crisis.

Well, that was during Tun Mahathir'era. Why should the present government apologize for the past government?

Dr M is still talking. Now he called DAP as conspirators because of supporting Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad. The ex PM claimed that Abdullah would continue to alienate BN's supporters.

Datuk Anwar says that the opposition will not table a motion of no-confidence against the Prime Minister

Why should the opposition table a motion of no-confidence.

Sarawak assets Protection Unit today raided the private farm in Miri where a sunbear died due to prolonged abuse.

UN Secretary General Ban Kimoon will not attend the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony due to schedule issues. His decision was made months ago.

PM Abdullah says that the government will introduce regulation that requires non-Muslims to inform their family members if they convert.

