

Former deputy minister joined PKR

23/7 Former deputy minister Fauzi Abdul Rahman has joined PKR.

23/7 Shah Alam high court rejects Karpal Singh’s application to recall PI P. Balasubramaniam and to call DPM as witnesses in Altantuya murder trial.

23/7 Home Ministry gave 96 diplomats a briefing on sodomy allegations on Anwar Ibrahim, says Syed Hamid Albar.

Actress Estelle Getty, best known for her role as octogenarian Sophia in the Golden Girls, has died, just 3 days short of her 85th birthday.

22/7 There will be contests for the top posts in 79 out of the 191 MCA divisions; nominations closed at 8pm.

22/7 The Dark Knight star Christian Bale arrested in London over allegations he attacked his mother and sister: British police and media reports.

22/7 Lt –Kol Abdul Aziz Buyong and Lt-Kol Norhayati Hassan file defamation suit against Raja Petra for implicating them in Altantuya murder case.

22/7 Education Minister: Primary teachers can now continue tertiary education during school holidays on full scholarship, up to 4 years on full salary.

